Dianetics – Its Background
The world before Dianetics had never known a precision mental science. Man has used mental knowledge in the past mainly for control, politics and propaganda.

The world before Dianetics had never known a precision mental science.
Man has used mental knowledge in the past mainly for control, politics and propaganda.
In the thousands of years before 1950 there were many philosophers and much knowledge was gathered in the field of logic, mathematics, electronics and the material sciences.
However, due to ideologies and political conflicts, little of this prior knowledge was ever applied to the field of the human mind.
The scientific idea of regarding as a truth only that which could be demonstrated with a result was never really applied to the mind.
“Researchers” in this field were not fully trained in mathematics, the scientific method or logic. They were interested mainly in their own private ideas and in political targets.
Dianetics is not only the first mental science developed in the West, it is the first mental science on the planet that uniformly produces beneficial results.
Man is being subjected to fantastic and violent efforts to lure or crush him into docility. This is the obvious end product of Russian and Eastern European technologies now heavily financed and supported, unwittingly, by Western governments.
Man’s response to this is riots and civil disorder in the universities, unions and streets. Man does not accurately trace the source of his oppression. He is violently worried.
Dianetics refuses to be a revolutionary activity. It does not have to be. All it has as a mission is to get itself applied.
The basic building block of a society is the individual. From individuals groups are built. And this is the society. No society is better than its basic building blocks.
Men are not animals.
Well men are sane men.
Dianetics, if applied to individuals in the society, brings hope, well and sane beings.
These well and sane beings, sent on to Scientology, then become brilliant and very able beings.
We are evolving Man to a higher state.
In this state he can better handle his problems.
We are not trying to overthrow anyone. We are not revolting against anyone. In truth we can even make the fancied “very best people” into actual very best people.
Dianetics was first conceived in 1930 and the developments of 39 years have gone into producing Standard Dianetics.
“Dianetics: The Original Thesis” was published in 1949 in manuscript form. It was copied in various ways, hand to hand across the world.
“Dianetics: The Evolution of a Science” was published in late 1949.
“Dianetics: The Modern Science of Mental Health” was published May 9, 1950 and has since sold millions of copies.
In the early ‘50s new discoveries concerning the spirit brought us into Scientology.
But Dianetics was never lost sight of and every little while I would push it further ahead toward a fast, easy, 100% workability.
The present release of Standard Dianetics is a near final product. If done exactly, it produces good, permanent results in only a few hours of auditing.
One can train a Dianetics auditor in Standard Dianetics in from 10 days to a month at the most, with an average of about 2 weeks.
These are very, very worthwhile advances and Standard Dianetics is almost as great a breakthrough in 1969 as the “Original Thesis” in 1949. Hundreds of thousands of hours of search and research have gone into it.
Dianetics has progressed from the pre-Dianetic period of no science of the mind, to the existence of a real science of the mind, to a fast accurate science simpler than any other scientific subject and of more value to Man.
All this advance has been very hardly won, without government billions, in the teeth of avalanches of lies and opposition.
The subject owes no allegiance to anyone but itself. It has no commitments to anyone. It has no politics. It belongs to those who use it.
It is the only game in the universe where everyone wins.
Let’s keep it that way.
– L. Ron Hubbard – 1969 (Auszug)