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Calling all Auditors about Help

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Introduction: Calling all auditors about Help and how to apply the "Pre-Session Procedures" will help everyone to win. Have you ever had trouble auditing someone? Well, you will be happy to know that these problems have been vanquished thanks to a few materials that L. Ron Hubbard developed. He thought of all of us. Watch the film about the report on the Special Training Camp of the Auditors Class 8.

Read Max Hauri's introduction letter to this article below

Calling All Auditors About Help

This week we can definitely say that the latest Rundown – Presessioning on the Deadly Quartet and running the first button Help until it is flat, is having spectacular results. From every Org come enthusiastic reports and the first actual pc results run entirely on Help came through from the HGC London this week. There, great gains were made without exception on eight preclears. Profile and IQ changes of real magnitude.

There will be another HCO Bulletin from Ron on this soon, but I'll just run through the salient points.

Two way comm easily with your pc. Discuss Help – Control – Comm and get his reality and understanding. Note needle reaction. If he has no reality on Help or firmly believes he can help no one nor be helped – run 'Concept Help':

'Get the idea of helping'

'Get the idea of not helping'.

If the pc is out of control you should be running CCH, so don't run SCS or 8C at this stage.

During discussion of Communication try to get the pc to spill his O/Ws, just to get them off his chest. This will be a big relief but do not run them.

By now the Interest factor should be up and you are ready to go into Model Session. Use Help O/W on an Auditor ARC break, or if this is too tough for the pc undercut with

'Recall trying to help me'

Do a Dynamic Assessment and pick a hot terminal very real to the pc and run Help O/W. If needle is very sticky begin with 2 way Help and Five Way Bracket to free it up.

Exactly the same rules apply to running Help O/W as did for O/W and Responsibility. So if the pc runs out of answers on a specific terminal, change over to the general form of that terminal and continue. Keep havingness up to the ratio of at least half an hour to every one and a half hours of Help O/W.

Run every terminal contacted to a null needle. You have the definition of a null needle. Make sure it is one.

We look forward to hearing of your successes, please let us know. Anything you as an auditor or D of P have learned about Help would be appreciated and any problem you are having in handling it should be forwarded to Ron at once.

Rosamond Harper HCO Technical Secretary WW for

L. Ron Hubbard

Presession Processes

Have you ever wondered how to persuade a stranger to get audited? Have you ever had to “sell” a hostile family member Scientology before you could audit someone? Have you ever had trouble auditing anyone?

Well, you’ll be pleased to know that these problems have been vanquished by some material I’ve developed. You see – I do think of you!

Pre-session processes are a new idea. They were hinted at in HCO Bulletin April 7, 1960. But there’s more to it.

A pre-session process is a process that is used to get into session:

(a) A stranger who isn’t receiving well;

(b) A person antagonistic to Scientology;

(c) A person who ARC breaks easily in session;

(d) A person who makes few gains in session;

(e) A person who relapses after being helped;

(f) A person who makes no gains in auditing;

(g) A person who, having been audited, refuses further auditing;

(h) Any person being audited as a check-off before session, aloud to pc or silently by auditor.

Pre-session processes parallel in importance the auditing of unconscious people. But I feel they have wider use and will assist dissemination enormously as well as improve graph gains.

These processes are four in number. They are designed as classes of processes to handle these four points:

1. Help factor

2. Control factor

3. Pc Communication factor

4. Interest factor.

Unless these four points are present in a session, it is improbable, in a great number of cases, that any real, lasting gain will be made. This is old data.

It is new data to consider these as pre-session points.

Before one has a pc in session he cannot really run a Model Session or any session at all.

The usual struggle is to start a session and then try to start a session by having the pc go into session.

This is a confusion of long standing and leads auditors to run processes like the CCHs when they could be running higher processes. The CCHs are often necessary, but not necessary on a pc who could be put into session easily and could then run higher level processes for faster gains.

The only thing this changes about a Model Session (HCO Bulletin February 25, 1960) is the start. If a pc is in the auditing room and auditing is to be attempted, then one starts, not Tone 40, but formal. “We are going to begin auditing now.” The auditor then goes over his check list and ticks off the pre-session points 1, 2, 3, 4, and satisfied, goes into the rudiments and carries forward a Model Session. Naturally, if he wants to put the pc into session with pre-session processes, when the pc is finally in session we would startle him out with a Tone 40 “Start”.

A pc who is running extraordinarily well and making fast gains should be checked over silently at beginning and then given “Start” Tone 40 as in the Model Session and the auditor proceeds at once to rudiments. But this would be used only after the pc was really getting along. A new pc or new to the auditor should be pre-sessioned as above for many sessions.

A pre-session type of session might find the auditor not satisfied with more than the first two of the four points by session end. If so, end the session easily with a location of pc’s attention on the room and simply end it by saying so.

While many processes may be developed out of the four classes of help, control, communication and interest, it is certain that these classes will remain stable, since these four are vital to auditing itself and imply no wrongness in the pc. All other known factors of life and the mind can be handled by a session and improved. But these four – help, control, communication and interest – are vital to auditing itself and without them auditing doesn’t happen.

One or more of these four items was awry in every pc who, one, did not take auditing, two, on whom gains were poor or slow, and three, who failed to complete auditing. So you see that is a number of pcs and the pre-session processes are the important remedy. Why make the same error again.

One of my jobs is to improve auditing results. This may be, as you may find, the biggest single step in that direction since Book One, since it includes them all. The auditor can cause help, control, communication and interest rather than hope they will come to pass. As such these four factors are practically clubs.

I would almost rather not give you some processes to fit these four conditions. I certainly desire you to be free in inspecting, understanding and employing them. What great art could arise from this innocent scientific quartet. I would rather you used them as a maestro rather than play sheet music.

How adroit, how clever, how subtle we could become with them!

Example of what I mean:

Grouchy car salesman. Knows that anything Scientologist friend Bill takes up is “rot”. Hates people.

Scientologist approaches. Gets a scoff at Bill’s enthusiasms.

Scientologist handles help. “Don’t you think people can be helped?” Lazy argument, all very casual. Car salesman finally wins by losing utterly. He concedes something or someone could help him.

Another day. Scientologist approaches. Asks car salesman to move here and there, do this and that, all by pretending interest in cars. Really it’s 8-C. All casual. Salesman wins again by losing.

Another day. Scientologist gets on subject of communication with car salesman. Finally salesman concedes he doesn’t mind telling Scientologist about his shady deals. Does. Salesman wins and so does Scientologist.

Another day. Scientologist gets car salesman to see pictures or blackness by any smooth conversation. Salesman becomes interested in getting his flat feet fixed up.

Negative result: One scoffer less

Positive result: One new pc.

Any way you handle them the Deadly Quartet must be present before auditing, or even interest in Scientology, can exist.

Talk about John Wellington Wells. The Scientologist can weave even greater magical spells with help, control, communication and interest.

Talk to a new club. What about? Help, of course. Get them to agree they could be helped or could help.

And when they ask you to come back talk about good and bad control. And when they want you again, it’s communication you stress.

And interest of course, when you give that talk, will find you ready people.

In Scientology everybody wins. It’s the only game in which everyone does. With these four factors you can’t lose and neither can they.

As a Scientologist you know several processes under each heading. It’s establishing each point in turn that’s important.

Ah, what a shock you’ll get on some pc when you find he wasn’t ever interested in his own case. He was getting audited for his wife! You’ll only find that out if you get the three forerunners flat first.


On processes, under help you have two-way comm about help, two-way help, help in brackets, dichotomies of can-help can’t-help, rising scale on help; lots of forms.

On control you have two-way comm, TR 5 (You make that body sit in that chair), CCH 2, old-time 8-C, object S-C-S, S-C-S, etc, etc.

On communication you have two-way comm, “Recall a time you communicated,” etc, but much more basically, two-way comm to get off overts, O/W on the auditor, “Think of something you have done to somebody” “Think of something you have withheld from somebody” with occasional, “Anything you would like to tell me?” when meter acts up.

Nothing helps communication like getting off fundamental overts that would keep pc out of session or ARC with auditor. That’s the point of this step, whether done casually in a drawing room or in an auditing room. “Surely, Mrs. Screamstack, you can’t sit there and tell me that, unlike the rest of the human race, you have never done a single wrong thing in your whole life!” Well, that’s one way to knock apart a case at a formal dinner party.

Interest is the place where your knowledge of the mind comes into heavy play. But note that this is Number Four. How often have we used it for Number One and flopped! That was because the correct One was missing, to say nothing of Two and Three! I can see you now trying to interest a family member with Four without teaching on the first three. Why, I’ve done it myself! Just like you.

I audited an official of a government after a dinner party for two hopeless hours one night.

He knew he’d been run over. But he surely was no sparkling result. I shamefully and vividly recall now that, not touched by me, his idea of help was to kill off the whole human race!

The first steps of OT-3A will gain interest from almost anyone. Even the Black Fives will get confounded when they find what state their recalls are in.

And then?

And then follow a gradient scale of gain. Find something the pc can do and improve it.

When the four points, the Deadly Quartet, are covered, we have the rudiments and they must cover facts, not glibitity.

After the four points you improve the case by gradient scales. And you keep the four points established.


If it takes you a hundred hours to establish the four points of sessioning, you’ll still win faster because you will win.

If it takes only two hours the first time you do them on a pc, feel lucky.

Be thorough.

Establish the four points. Use a Model Session. Follow a course in processing of finding something the pc knows he can do and improve that ability.

And you’ll have Clears.

And if your use of the Deadly Quartet becomes as adroit and smooth as I think it will, we will have this planet licked and be scouting the stars before we’re too much older.

At last, we’ve created the basic weapon in Scientology dissemination and processing that makes us a lot more effective on Earth than a lot of drooling politicians scrubbing their hands around an atomic warhead. By golly, they better watch out now.

But don’t tell them. Just run (1) Help, (2) Control, (3) Communication and (4) Interest.

Now go tackle somebody who wouldn’t buy Scientology – use the Deadly Quartet. And win!

L. Ron Hubbard


Dear Friends,

"Have you ever wondered how to persuade a stranger to get audited? Have you ever had to “sell” a hostile family member Scientology before you could audit someone?

"Have you ever had trouble auditing anyone?Well, you’ll be pleased to know that these problems have been vanquished by some material I’ve developed. You see – I do think of you!..."

Now the above are Ron's words from the HCOB April 21, 1960 "Pre-Session Processes" and form the basis on which the "Call to All Auditors" bulletins were written.

Below you will find this very HCOB and also the HCOB from May 26, 1960 "Calling all Auditors about Help".

By the way, the HCOB of April 21, 1960 "The Pre-Session Processes" can be found in the "Basics of Life Course" also known as HQS.

Much love,


If you speak Russian, and can sometimes follow some of the English translations, watch this film: Report on the Special Training Camp of the Auditors Class 8 – Ron's Org "Winter 2024"  – Scientology accessible

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