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Calling all Auditors - Summary

Wood hand helping holding tree + howling wolf

 Introduction: Here are the last two bulletins on “CALL TO ALL AUDITORS” - Summary by Rosamond Harper. The last bulletin in particular is a beautiful summary. It is well worth reading carefully and understanding. Life without help is not possible, and if it is too limited, it is sad. all the wealth on Earth will not make you happy. It is about helping and being helped.

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Read Max Hauri's introduction letter to this article below.

Calling all Auditors - Summary

Bulletin 3. August 1960 just below. And as an attachment only: Calling all Auditors about Help – Bulletin 6. July 1960

It appears that the basis of all aberration is a Thetan's consideration that he cannot confront an uncomfortable effect. Life being a free interchange between life forms – a giving and receiving with no barriers, presupposes granting of beingness, ARC, Understanding. Grief, fear, anger, antagonism simply don't come into the picture, there is no need for them. All this we know theoretically. But at this stage of the game we have traveled some way down the dwindling spiral. Life, lets call it Help (for by granting life freely we are helping) has taken on a new meaning for us. From complete confrontingness, free interchange, granting of beingness, we have passed through various stages of lesser and lesser understanding. An effect on me was considered 'bad' – an overt, so one became a 'victim' and felt pity for 'victims'. One occluded overts and looked for motivators to justify more overts and in so doing got caught in the automaticity of the Overt Motivator Sequence, that sorry game of homo sap.

But basically man is good, so he tries to solve this difficulty by cutting down his abilities so that he doesn't hurt others too much and this leads to a far less than optimum way of living. Too many barriers and too little confrontingness results in identification. Help becomes injury, and injury becomes help. One unit of time becomes identified with another unit of time, and as in all reactive level activities there is no longer any truth or light.

Ron in discovering that Help is the basis of all identifications and thus the key to unravelling the Reactive mind, has given us a sharp edged tool which used intelligently cannot fail. The bank falls to pieces, the thetan emerges from his confusion and begins to look. Once he looks he can make more and more self-determined considerations and so cease to continue embroiling himself in constant confusion. In short he ceases to associate and identify, he unravels the help-betrayal dichotomy and becomes free.

We have several Help processes, and so far experiences proves that the fastest methods are as follows.

Find a real and hot terminal and watch the pc's Tone Arm. If reading consistently at 4 at 4 or 5 the pc is resisting mightily what 'is'. He has solid screens of built up resistance to cope with. He says in essence 'I won't confront'. Well Help O/W is a bit high at this stage. It calls for an actuality of confronting for which the pc is not yet capable. He will bog down, have long comm-lags, and it's 'all unreal'. So undercut with Concept Help. For here he just 'thinks of' or 'gets the idea of' helping, which is confronting on a gradient scale, or looking obliquely at what he cannot look straight at. As Ron says it is "below the level of articulate thought which of course means that it bangs away at reactive thought" and it surely does. He can, on a gradient scale, look at or at least take a peep at what he can't fully confront yet. This also applies to the very low Tone Arm reading (the mindless object). The nearer to the Clear reading the pc gets the less resistance he has to confronting. He is able to take more responsibility for his 'bad cause'. Then run Help O/W with benefit.

Always run Alternate Confront and Havingness with 'Help' in the proportion Ron suggests, unless of course the pc needs more Havingness.

With those tools the Reactive Bank is doomed. But tools alone are not enough. The auditor must use them intelligently.

Here at HCO WW we get a wide bird's eye view of what is going on both in all the HGCs and in the field. For your information here are our weak points:

1. Too much talking. Audit – don't talk.

2. Changing terminals in mid-stream.

3. Abandoning a process to deal with a somatic which turned on while running the terminal. What turned it on will turn it off. Continue with the process.

4. Not sticking to the proportions Ron lays down of Alternate Confront and Havingness. These have their very definite part to play and if neglected the case will suffer.

5. Do not alter-is commands. Ron has valid reason for the wording he chooses.

Never state as did one auditor "I didn't have time to run Havingness".

Never be unobservant enough to report, as one auditor did last week to the question as to needle reaction on Help – "Didn't notice".

Keep ARC high – deal with PTPs, keep the O/Ws fluid and make clears.

Issued by:

Rosamond Harper

Technical Secretary WW for

L. Ron Hubbard


Dear friends,

Here are the last two bulletins on “CALL TO ALL AUDITORS” by Rosamond Harper. The last bulletin in particular is a beautiful summary. It is well worth reading carefully and understanding. Ultimately, we want to help so much, and it is a realization I also had that has changed my life in a very positive way: Helping is life. What I have come to understand is that if you want people to like you, whatever the dynamic, make sure they can help and support you. If you want to have enemies or become an Only-One, don't let people help you.

Only-One (Lonely Wolf): To not be in communication with anyone. There are two ways to become an “Only-One”: a) you commit so many overts that you can't communicate with others and are excluded from life, or b) you become so “intelligent” that you can't or won't share your reality with others. For example, if you were to travel three centuries into the past, you would feel very lonely. As Ron said, it can be very lonely at the top.

Believe me, people don't like you because you help them. You can take this literally. It is not an invitation not to help, quite to the contrary, because if you don't help others, you won't love anyone, and so you will become an Only-One.

Life without help is not possible, and if it is too limited, it is sad.

Money, a salary, an unconditional basic income, all the wealth on Earth will not make you happy. It is about helping and being helped.When people will have understood this principle, we will have a paradise on Earth.

That is why Ron has always held co-auditing in high esteem.

Much love.

Max Hauri


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