Introduction: The word control evokes moments when we were beaten down into apathy or given such conflicting commands to obey that we henceforth shudder away from any mention of the word. But it is really about something else.
Max Hauri's letter – in blue – is included in this article.
Control and Affinity
Control and the Mechanics of "Start-Change-Stop" from L. Ron Hubbards 18th ACC lecture # 6, dated July 22, 1957
There is a scale:
No Effect
At the very bottom is No Effect, with some levels omitted here.
As we can see, control is very high on the scale – even higher than help! Control thus appears to be something good. Having control over one’s environment and fellow human beings is desirable. A boss or parent must certainly have control; it is part of the game, as well as freedoms.
However, I want to address something entirely different. IT and AI will relentlessly pursue the interests of their clients without emotion; affinity will be entirely disregarded. A ruthless "eat or be eaten" policy will be implemented. No one will be there to acknowledge an origination, understand you, or provide validation. You will no longer be able to reach anyone – people will no longer be "necessary." The current use of killer robots between Israel and Gaza only confirms how urgently Scientology is needed.
AFFINITY, that is some emotional or felt consideration of proximity, is basically a consideration of distance, but it is that consideration which says that one likes or doesn't like it. In other words, without some liking or disliking, having some things to avoid or to go close to, there would be no game at all. – L. Ron Hubbard
For Christmas, I want to share a very important element from Ron to create affinity, and thereby also love. It’s a fantastic principle that we should all understand and apply.
L. Ron Hubbard:
Therefore Affinity is control. Somebody comes along and says, "Stand up straighter. Got your heels together. Suck in your guts" and he will say, "The guy loves me."
If a person had a body then control would be affinity. If he could control something he would like it. An individual who finds out control isn't killing him turns out to like his auditor. That is an establishment of a reality level and the affinity level at that reality level is control. It goes up and not down the scale.
An individual cannot adequately control his car and he doesn't like his car. What does he mean by "like"? Does he mean an emotion? No, he means an ability to control it.
One wonders why some married couples don't get along although she apparently does everything he says. It is just control going on all the time. One is looking here at where con-trol is affinity. They express their affinity for each other by kicking each other, trying to gain control over each other by fighting. Below that level is love making.
One can understand a lot by just looking at what understanding is at the level of mass. It is control, controlling and being controlled. That is understanding.
Control does not need to involve ARC to create affinity; it simply needs to be good control. Control is always good – otherwise, it’s not control.
To avoid any misunderstandings: dominance, bullying, violence, and the like are not control. Control is starting, changing, and stopping – sometimes involving effort and emotion, which is not unusual, as ease comes with repeated application.
We must uphold humanity. We must maintain affinity, love, and emotions for one another, and ensure we have ARC for each other.
Merry Christmas
