Introduction: I'm an optimist, but I can't close my eyes to reality: Prison Planet Earth. Ron puts it very positively, but he is right. Without going into details: It's precisely in the teachings mentioned that we have a huge need to act. Ron's lecture "Auditing Communication Cycles" tells you a lot.
Read Max Hauri's introduction letter to this article, below.
Prison Planet Earth
Excerpt from the lecture: "Auditing Communication Cycles"
Every once in a while somebody says, "Well, why don’t you…" something or other, something or other, something or other – that’s the crux of the situation – "Why don’t you change all administrative actions? Why don’t you alter all Central Organizational lines?" "Why don’t you…" so forth. "Why don’t we change everything in the course?" and so on. What they’re dealing with is a problem they actually don’t see the breadth and depth of.
And that problem is this: The character of this planet and the population hereon makes it practically impossible to do anything with this planet. Now, I’m not taking off from a failure point. The stress and thought and prevention and cure and this and that which you have to go into on this planet to get anything done and running is absolutely fantastic.
Now, you want to ask why this is? Well, we can go into that in a moment. But those of you who have on the backtrack an experience of you just get some guys together and you do something – you see? Well, that’s been a common experience, and you still tend to operate in that zone and sphere of influence. In other words, you said, "Well, it was very easy. We just whistle up Joe, Bill and Pete, and the four of us will go down there and fix up the signboards, and that’ll take care of that," see? And you’re all set, see?
But that was yesteryear and elsewhere. And you apply that basic feeling to this planet and you’re in trouble at once. Why? This planet is part of a larger federation – was part of an earlier federation and passed out of its control due to losses in war and other such things. Now, this larger confederacy – this isn’t its right name, but we have often called it and referred to it in the past as the Marcab Confederacy. And it has been wrongly or rightly pointed to as one of the tail stars of the Big Dipper, which is the capital planet of which this planet is.
Now, all this sounds very space operaish and that sort of thing, and I’m sorry for it, but I am not one to quibble about the truth. This gets in people’s hair every now and then, and I don’t see any point in lying in order to be acceptable. It just doesn’t seem to be a right way to go about things, particularly in the realm of science. I don’t think a scientist should tell a bunch of scientific (quote, unquote) lies in order to be an acceptable scientist. It doesn’t seem to me to be a sensible proceeding.
However, be that as it may, these various planets united into a very vast civilization which has come forward up through the last two hundred thousand years, is formed out of the fragments of earlier civilizations. Now, I can’t tell you accurately, exactly what these blokes are up to or where they’re from, but this isn’t quite germane to this galaxy. That’s the first thing you should know about it; it isn’t quite native to your track. You find a type of mental implanting and that sort of thing going on here in the last couple of hundred thousand years which are not native to your earlier track.
Now, this is all very important; it’s very important, because they have a terrible problem. They have the problem of people who are native to this galaxy and aren’t used to this kind of thing, and they have the basic problem of "How do you kill a thetan?" And that’s a terrible problem to men who have very, very guilty consciences and blood on their hands – great problem.
Probably the best way to hide your overts is to give somebody amnesia, you see (then they don’t know what you’ve done to them), and then tell them something else has happened. Well, this is a dramatization of a very craven intelligence, and that is what is going on here.
Now, the fellow who conforms to that society is in no vast trouble. Perhaps some bloke who has a military record against them, and that sort of thing, might possibly (no matter what he did) find himself unable to satisfactorily conform. But the point is that their ideal is the conformist.
Now, these conformists are pretty weird, and the personnel of that particular society is pretty scummy, to say the least. Let’s supposing you were in the last shambling wreckages of a red-light district: you’d have high-toned personnel, compared to the personnel which makes up the other planets I’m talking to you about. High-toned personnel, much higher toned than their average run. They practice cannibalism. The stuff you get on race tracks – once in a while some pc will run into race tracks and race-track drivers – this Roman-circus-type entertainment, don’t you see? All that kind of stuff – that’s all out of this zone and area. We’re still with that planetary system.
So, they specialize in the fellow who will conform. Now, he ordinarily is a "worker" who is content to draw wages and not do another single, blessed thing – you know, never really get up, improve his lot, you see, and keep on plugging along somehow, or even slump into indigence. He’s still their choice of personnel. So this leaves, this leaves the brilliant artist, the brilliant engineer, the manager, the genius, the criminal, the pervert, non persona grata.
And they sentence these people – the upper class (that is to say, the brighter gent) because they can’t control him and they’re afraid of him, and the lower class because it’s too vicious even for them – and they condemn these people to perpetual amnesia. "Dead forever," they call it – the problem of killing a thetan – and wrap them up in mothballs and ship them down here, and here we are. And that is the population of this planet.
All right. Here’s a population, then, of minimal workers, maximal managers, artists, geniuses, criminals and perverts. What you going to make out of this lot, huh?
Now, those are the blokes you’re talking to when you say "Add up the left-hand column of the ledger." Well, of course, the artist says he could add it up much more prettily. The guy who actually, in his own right, was a very skilled manager, he says he could devise a much better system – it’s true, too; he probably could. If the bird is a criminal, he’s just sitting there trying to figure out how he can add it up so he can short you. And there’s your zone of operation; there is your response to 8-C in trying to get an organization running. It’s all alter-is, because the basic crime was nonconforming. The basic crime wasn’t being a criminal; the basic crime was not conforming.
Well, actually, this group has gone ahead and made up, up until recent times, a totally different civilization than the civilization which planted it here. In the last ten thousand years, they have gone on with a sort of a decadent, kicked-in-the-head civilization that contains automobiles, business suits, fedora hats, telephones, spaceships – quite interesting, but a civilization which looks an almost exact duplicate, but is worse off than the current US civilization.
Therefore, you find the current US and Western civilization rather restimulative, because it has moved up to look like the Marcabian civilization.
It’s been moving up here rather rapidly. And now we’re at a point, a very high level of restimulation, because the automobile design, the train design, ship design (why, they’ve got ships in those areas, look just like the Queen Mary, you see?), and the fire engines and the stuff you do with men’s clothes particularly – all of these things are the same image. So you’re going into a highly restimulative era, I mean in time a highly restimulative era, but we do not have this people … missing 14.51 because we’ve not had this before. See? We’ve been moving up through strata of civilization, but we hadn’t matched this one. And remember that this society at the present time looks dangerous; it looks very dangerous.
One of the highest crimes you could pull in that Marcabian society, probably even today, is income tax; you make one comma wrong and it’s "dead forever." Sounds weird, doesn’t it? So, they got everybody paying income tax – awful restimulative. Probably nothing much wrong with income tax if it were administered as a tax, but it isn’t; it’s administered as a punishment, even on this planet today. Well, it’s one of their prime punishments in the Marcabian civilization.
But here you are; that is the point. Here you are; that is this planet.
Every once in a while you get mad at government on this planet, when in actual fact you’re mad at the Marcabian government. And there’s a great deal of confusion. Every once in a while somebody will get awfully furious with an organization, very furious with an organization here on this planet, when they have actually identified the organization with the Marcabian civilization.
Now, you start hitting people here with restimulative materials of this particular type, and it restimulates a terrific unreality; it restimulates amnesia.
I have to ask you this: How hard do you have to hit somebody to bring about amnesia? Let’s take Joe out here and let’s just see how hard do we have to hit Joe in order to bring about amnesia on his part so he doesn’t know who he is, where he is, or anything else. How hard would we have to hit him? Boy, that’s pretty hard. It’s almost unbelievable force is used to handle a thetan and put him into this kind of condition. I’ve been hit with some awful heavy force in this universe without losing my mind or forgetting who I am, see? So it’s pretty heavy duress. And you restimulate that very easily by telling people things. It gets awful unreal.
But you would find, if you gave them the actual dope, that they would be far more in agreement with you than if you gave them just a touch of the dope, do you see? You won’t find the citizens of this planet very far in disagreement with what you’re doing. So, therefore, you’ve got some kind of an explosion going.
Well, these guys are not going to blow their own show. See? They’re not going to do anything peculiar about it. They’ve probably got us all sized up, if they know anything about us at all. They probably have some dim idea of what we’re doing, and saying, "Oh, yes. Ho-hum." And give the devil his due: They might even say, "Well, hey, what do you know? Those guys might be producing a type of technology which we ourselves desperately need." Look at that.
See, now, they know the problems exist. They couldn’t have had any decent solution, or they wouldn’t have taken the route to solution which they have. They are beings, too; remember that.
So when we look at all this: you are (1) organizationally handling people who are revolutionaries. They are nonconformists. Probably the common denominator of this planet is revolution. Probably the one thing you could always start on this planet would be a revolution, because it’s a state of perpetual revolution. Trying to hold any organization together of any kind whatsoever becomes almost impossible, because everybody you’re dealing with is a nonconformist.
All right. So far goes the civilization. There are just those few statements on the thing I thought you might find of interest.
We’re dealing now with "What is an auditor?"
You are handling, therefore, the roughest case that you could find in the universe, because the rehabilitation of the individual demands that you rehabilitate his knowingness. If his knowingness does not increase independently, he himself does not get well. You see, electrical charge on the case is simply a symptom that measures his knowingness. If he’s got too much charge, his knowingness is way down. See, that’s an indirect measure of the amount of knowingness of the individual.
L. Ron Hubbard
Dear Friends,
2024 is coming to an end, and a new year is beginning.
I am an optimist, but I cannot close my eyes to reality. Changes are on the horizon for the coming year; that is undeniable. There are so many pressing issues and unresolved problems.
Let us take a look at Logic 24: The resolution of the philosophical, scientific and human studies (such as economics, politics, sociology, medicine, criminology, etc.) depends primarily upon the resolution of the problems of the human mind. – L. Ron Hubbard.
Ron puts it very positively, but he is right. Without delving into the details, it is clear that we have significant work to do in the areas he mentioned.
Whether all the solutions we receive in 2025 will be in your and my best interests remains to be seen. However, one thing is clear: we would be unwise to rely solely on the authorities. It is far more reasonable to improve our own lives and immediate surroundings — to support and strengthen our first, second, and third dynamics.
Another important, stable truth for me is this: Every person is capable of producing or creating far more than they need for themselves to live. A simple example from the past is the father who could create enough to support an entire family. At the same time, every family member contributed their share.
The idea that one could live entirely on social benefits, universal basic income, or similar "aids" without any personal effort is fundamentally flawed. We all have the ability to contribute and create more than we require for ourselves. This is a basic principle.
It is fundamentally wrong to believe that one should not have to contribute anything in order to live. In my opinion, there is a evil intention behind the belief that one can earn money simply by having money. For this very reason, interest was fundamentally forbidden in the three major religions (Christianity, Islam, and Judaism). Unfortunately, these prohibitions were not consistently enforced; instead, they were weakened through loopholes or abolished entirely. The introduction of interest and fiat money — unlimited money printing — has led to wars and will continue to cause conflicts.
The real evil intention here is to make money without having to work for it. It is a selfish mindset, focused solely on taking without giving back. The fundamental contract every person has is to create at least as much as they need for themselves.
It is precisely these psychopathic capitalists and their imitators who make it difficult for ordinary workers to receive fair exchange for their labor. They have created and perpetuate a system in which they continuously skim the cream off the top while others must work for them. This is the fundamental problem we face on this planet with this particular type of Thetan. Their presence here is certainly no coincidence.
Ron has clarified what is happening on this planet for me through numerous lectures, books, bulletins, and policy letters. But I have also learned a great deal through auditing — both directly from the insights gained and indirectly because auditing has removed charge. This has increased my reality, allowing me to see things that were previously hidden or unbearable to acknowledge.
For this, I am very grateful, even though one often cannot openly discuss the reality because it seems too unreal to the average person.
There is a lecture by Ron with the harmless-sounding title "Auditing Communication Cycles," which an auditor studies early in their career at Level 0. It’s not for the faint of heart!
The entire lecture is attached; an excerpt can be found above.
For the New Year, I wish for collaboration and initiative to bring new people into Ron's Org, spreading and applying the Tech. This is not Ron's planet, nor is it my planet — it is our planet. Together, we can succeed.
Happy New Year!
Max, Erica, Melinda, Dirk, Verena, Jean, Sibylle, and Henrietta