Introduction: A great article about how our society works. And yes, more auditing is needed, it is the key to a high level civilization. Auditing civilizes. Enjoy reading it.
Much love,
Max Hauri
Scientology and the Group
Scientology has the answer to mankind's deepest problem – how to live happily with his fellow man, how to take responsibility for the survival of the group.
All groups begin with an individual. All great cathedrals began their building by the placement of a single stone and the building unit of a great society is the individual. The social ills of man are chiefly a composite of his personal difficulties. The combined dishonesties of individuals add to the formidable total of aberrated groups and mankind as a whole.
In evolutionary terms, man has developed and evolved through various stages and in this development, changes have been regulated by survival. He evolved several methods of survival, of getting along. The group is one method, for man achieved better results in the group or pack.
If man were not basically good and the laws of tooth and claw and self- preservation prevailed there would be no one on Earth at this time. The theory that the group consists of individuals working for self-preservation is thus not true. The more analytical the beast, the more cooperative the group.
Today, we have arrived at a very special plateau of knowledge. We know without shadow of doubt the way to enable man to live happily and responsibly within the group, both of his own immediate circle and the wider area of his nation and race.
We are winning across the world because we have kept the vision bright and we know how groups function.
A group consists of communication points, which are people who have at least some things upon which they are in agreement. Over long periods, they have worked out answers. A fact of civilization is that it contains agreed-upon customs, mores, grades and standards of conduct, certain things which are agreed-upon as normal. It doesn't matter much whether they are normal or abnormal, good or bad. Does it assist the general survival? This is the only test of such customs and standards.
Any time any large group or organization in this universe has adopted policies which are anti-survival for the individual as well as for the group itself, that group has gone to dust. It has not survived well because its customs were not good for the survival of the race.
A civilization breaks down on this basis, that the means of communication are no longer taught in that society. Its customs, its policies, this sort of thing, are not taught, so the people inside that society can't work together and have no cooperation. Where there is no cooperation, the people don't know the customs on which they are operating. The net result of that is decay, decline and vanishment of the group.
Scientology, as a group, is composed of people who want to get more able in life and live a better life. If we expect ourselves to get along in the world, or expect there to be a world in which to get along, why, we haven't really any choice but to go on and use our information. If we don't exhibit our science as a group, and show a good example, what can we achieve?
If you are a practitioner, you try to help people. If you have technology, you use it for the survival of the group. If you have knowledge and so forth, you should use it to assist others. These are the traditions which have built the great civilizations of this planet and the great civilizations of this universe are all operated in those traditions. Those are customs, they have proven to be survival characteristics.
Scientology methodology is a skilled know-how applied to the whole group from the individual through all levels to the wide field of society. The skill applicable to the individual is applicable to the group also.
When you have two people communicating more freely through Scientology processing, who were not communicating well earlier, it frees the communication lines, and there will be better communication throughout the group via the individual's family into the wider group of his business and political life.
Individuals receiving processing and training find their lives improving beyond measure because, with their personal problems handled, they are able to better the conditions of their partners and families, and wider groups, which widen out into the nation and races of the planet.
All things start with the individual. Without that there is no group activity. This is true whether one runs a family or a business, a nation or a world.
A sane group is an expression of communication by those who could, each one, stand alone.
A group cannot run with other than able individuals.
And we are the experts on human ability.
L. Ron Hubbard