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Ron's Org team in Training Camp, Turkey, October 2024

Introduction: The one thing that for sure gets a government or ruling body nowhere is violence. The difference between sanity and insanity is destructiveness. Insanity has to do with motive, not competence.

The article below was written during the period when Ron was developing the Ls, i.e. Class X-XII.  

Read Max Hauri's introduction letter to this article below.


The one thing that for sure gets a government or ruling body nowhere is violence.

Covert violence in the name of "intelligence" is about the dumbest trick of all time.

I concluded a long time ago that man can't be trusted with "justice." Yet the only restraint of wrongdoing one can impose is use of force. And that is only true until one establishes sanity.

The difference between sanity and insanity is destructiveness. Insanity has to do with motive, not competence.

If you wonder about your own sanity just ask yourself "Am I destructive?" That is the full answer.

Feeling spinny is not being insane. It's just an inability to locate one's position in relation to one's surroundings.

Thus violence practiced for its own sake is just insanity.

Sure makes some of these governments look odd.

The world needs to be given the answer to sanity before it blows itself apart altogether.

That's why I'm anxious to get things going smoothly so I can gain the six weeks or two months needed to write it.

You'd help by making sure you're hatted and doing your job well.

I appreciate the work of those who are making things go right.

L. Ron Hubbard



Dear Friends,

We just came back from a successful training camp. We had a good time, worked a lot and were able to go swimming in the sea once a day. It really felt like a New Civilization.

The next camp will be in Moscow or its surrounding area, from April 11 to April 26, 2025.

We will have something to celebrate: this will be the fiftieth Russian training camp! Not counting OT Missions and Les Verrieres (our training camps in Switzerland). In all these years we have trained many people on all kinds of tech and admin courses.

We can proudly say that we have reached a very high standard; there is a lot of auditing and training of auditors, case supervisors, technical and administrative staff in each camp.

In Spring 2025, we will arrive a week earlier because we will be training some auditors to become Class XII case supervisors. These auditors have audited many hours of Ls over the last 13 years and are professional Class XII auditors. It is only logical that they now become Class XII case supervisors.

Much love.

Max Hauri


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