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Who was L. Ron Hubbard

Bridge between 2 golden hands with people

Introduction: How did Ron gain his knowledge? How did he experience the culture in the Far East? Did he consider himself to be American or Asian? What did he learn there?Scientology didn't arise spontaneously. It was very well backed up by an enormous amount of information.

Read Max Hauri's introduction letter to this article below.

Who was L. Ron Hubbard – A kind of autobiography

Bridge Between Scientology and Civilization

Excerpt from the lecture given on the 20 of July 1954, Bridge between Scientology and Civilization.

Scientology didn't arise spontaneously. It was very well backed up by an enormous amount of information.

When I was quite young, I had the opportunity of looking over Eastern cultures and barbaric cultures and I had a great many friends who were very, very interested in the field of the soul, the mind – friends of all colors, shapes, sizes, creeds and professions.

The main thing which came home to me when I was very young, in Asia and various places, was that although these people apparently knew something, I could not conceive that they were using it. Here was the Western idea of rendering a punch and getting in there and getting something done and must arrive and so forth, up against the timelessness of the East. How one man could simply sit still and think, or not think, for a half a century – and I have seen some men who have done this in the East – was incomprehensible to me.

The thing to do was to act. That was my philosophy. As much material as might have leaked into my ears, we had considerable of it utterly rejected. If these people were so bright, if these people were so intelligent, why didn't they have better sewer systems? The philosophy of a progressive land grown up on the philosophy that if you could hit hard enough, suddenly enough, you ate – up against the philosophy of a land where if you sat long enough and could endure enough, sooner or later, something would walk by and maybe you could eat and that was all right.

Now, as we look over these two philosophies, we see that a young American indoctrinated into speed, action, dash, certainly couldn't put up very much with meditation. So it looked to me, when I was very young, that they were taking the long way at it, if they were going at anything at all.

I was not too sure of this. And even today I am not too sure of this because I have seen people get into the figure-figure-figure category and be utterly incapable of progressing beyond that point. They simply start chewing up data. And then they maul it around and they think it around and they figure and they figure and they figure.

Yet, at the same time, in Asia, I saw a great many and have seen a great many things which you would call miracles. And I could not put these things from my mind. I have seen such things as eight matches floating in a bowl of water being made to drill by an individual who simply looked at them. He actually looked at these eight matches floating in a bowl and would rack them up, just by looking at them, so that they made an orderly line, one line; and then make them all turn sideways so that they looked like a picket fence; and then make them form something that looked like a star – intriguing, to say the least. A parlor trick, fakirism, yet it was very impressive.

L. Ron Hubbard


How did Ron gain his knowledge?

How did he experience the culture in the Far East? Did he consider himself to be American or Asian? What did he learn there? What did he like about the American way of thinking and philosophy and what did he like or dislike about the Far East? What can these Far Eastern masters do? What can Ron do?

What did he study at university and how studious and good was he? What was he really interested in? What did he want to understand? What did he think of the American education system? What did he say about it, himself?

He built on the knowledge that every cell has its own thinking and life, and was able to recognize that cells “pass on” experiences to the next generations and that cells could overshoot the mark with these earlier experiences.

If you have gone all the way in Scientology and, above all, have done the training, you realize the scope of this insight and how Dianetics and also Scientology are based on it. Apparently Ron recognized the complexity of the human body early on and was able to prove that the protein cells in the brain could never reach the storage capacity required for the daily mental activities of humans.

He also speaks of the prophecy that someone will appear in the West who will continue the work of Siddharta Gautama Buddha and make it possible to free people from the cycle of birth and death in a single lifetime – and describes how he interprets this prophecy.

The fundamentals for Dianetics and Scientology were already in place in 1954.

Definitely a lecture you should listen to or read.

I hope you will enjoy it.

Much love.

Max Hauri


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