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You as an Auditor

Auditor and preclear in an auditing session

Introduction: Ron handed us the tech, we have it, and we have it in full. It's up to us to put it into practice. We, the Ron's Orgs, will make sure we use all the tech properly.

Read Max Hauri's introduction letter to this article below.

You as an Auditor

Scientology can and does change human behavior for the better. Anybody who wants to help his fellow man can become an auditor. (An auditor is a person trained and qualified in applying Scientology processes to others for their better­ment.)

An auditor is essentially a technician. Existing techniques are tools. Any tool requires intelligent handling and a deftness in application. To use any tool, whether it be a stone axe or a Geiger counter, a person must acquire confidence in that tool and confidence in his ability to use that tool.

An auditor is most successful when he has achieved an inexorable self-confidence in himself, in his tools, in his attitude toward the preclear and in the results he means and determines to achieve. (Preclear: A person who, through Scientology processing, is finding out more about himself and life.)

When you, as an auditor, accomplish your mission with a single preclear, you increase your confidence and your general ability, you increase your capabil­ity and what you can do for the universe at large and you win.

Sometime between the first moment you decide to be an auditor and your first major success, you have question marks. You have lots of question marks. But you have to start somewhere. Even a trapeze artist had to start somewhere. Now for anybody who wants to be an auditor, the thing for him to do is start – and just face bluntly the fact that he's going to make mistakes, and maybe fall flat on his face and then all of a sudden he's going to be auditing with the greatest of ease.

As an auditor you can do something about life. You can confront it and have a much wider, broader view of life and people than any person, regardless of their state of case, who is not an auditor.

Today, the mysteries of life are not, with Scientology, mysterious. We're using the technology for which man, even in his cruelty and blindness, searched for eons. And we must get it out and use it. What we have got to face up to now is the fact that our expansion will be an accelerating expansion. So it's my responsibility to make the best auditors I can make.

The people who come to Saint Hill for the Saint Hill Special Briefing Course are trained very well. I am proud of the way the training is being done. Saint Hill graduates go out as the world's best auditors which was exactly the way I planned it some years ago.

I started the Saint Hill Special Briefing Course to make good auditors into better auditors, who could go out and make good auditors. It's been successful in the extreme here at Saint Hill. Saint Hill Graduates go out and take over Acad­emies in their organizations and the Academies have improved. Then the people who started coming to Saint Hill could audit better. A good auditor is one who knows Scientology and its techniques and who audits with all basics in. That's the primary thing we stress here at Saint Hill.

We have learned a tremendous amount about auditing. Today, we have the technical materials. We are making our way, all the way. Now we must not stop. It is time man grew up.

That is what we have in mind. You know we are a potent force on Earth. Indeed the only force that is doing something about it. We weren't effectively prevented from attaining our knowledge – the hard part of the journey. Now we can not be prevented from applying it. We can take the individ­ual and raise him. Thus we can raise the whole. So there is a mission for you as an auditor.


L. Ron Hubbard

Founder – 1968


Above is a text from Ron about becoming an auditor. My prediction is that auditing will be the most important and valuable job of the future for many years to come. More on this in a future newsletter from me. Ron handed us the tech, we have it, and we have it in full. It's up to us to put it into practice.We, the Ron's Orgs, will make sure we use all the tech properly.


In October, about 15 students, PreOTs and Tech Terminals from Switzerland and Germany will fly to the next training camp in Turkey! I am delighted that we will be so well represented.If you would like to come with us – you can still register. Just send me an e-mail. The prerequisite is that you are registered with a Ron's Org as a student or PC or PreOT.

Much love.

Max Hauri


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