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  • Principle of Dangerousness

    Introduction: Principle of Dangerousness: An extremely interesting aspect that Ron discusses in this article has fascinated me ever since I read The Creation of Human Ability. Dear Friends, An extremely interesting aspect that Ron discusses in this article has fascinated me ever since I read The Creation of Human Ability. Elsewhere, he writes that Scientology does not aim to create "good people." However, one should not assume that "bad" is the opposite of "good." Rather, Ron defines a "good person" as someone who blindly obeys and does everything they are told. The processes described in the book, on the other hand, promote independent thinking and empower individuals. From my own experience—both as an Auditor and as a Preclear – I can fully confirm this. I believe that someone who has achieved self-determinism knows for themselves what is "good." Much love. Max Hauri Principle of Dangerousness Excerpt from the lecture "The Role of Laughter in Processing", given by L. Ron Hubbard on July 5, 1954. There's principle in processing: The principle of dangerousness. We find that an individual declines at length into a state of mind whereby he believes that the only way he can occupy a space or continue to occupy a space or be permitted to go out of a space that he is occupying is by the passport of his own dangerousness. And when an individual is no longer dangerous, when he is no longer dangerous he then conceives the environment to be dangerous to him to such a degree that he has to stay where he's put and that he can't be where he wants to be. Things are too dangerous and therefore he cannot move himself around freely and as the definition of self-determinism is moving things around at will, we of course find this individual intimately overcome because he cannot move himself around at will. Why? He isn't sufficiently dangerous to guarantee an open passage on the courses he would like to take. On the other hand, the environment itself is sufficiently dangerous to him that he can be stopped or chased out. So we have this ratio in progress as almost a total therapy in itself. See, we talked about laughter as a total therapy. All right. Now something a little more serious, a little more down scale, you see, than laughter is this item of dangerousness. So if the sanity of your preclear could be said to depend upon any self determinism, could be said to depend upon the ratio of his own dangerousness compared to the dangerousness of his environment. When the environment is total danger, and an individual is no danger, you have somebody who is in very bad shape indeed. A badness of shape which is impossible to conceive, even to an auditor. Simply because it's never totally existed. It's an absolute. And let's get the other extreme – an individual who is totally dangerous to his environment and where nothing in his environment is dangerous to him. Also a totality which an auditor would find very difficult indeed to see. In the first place he would go out of the band of dangerousness before he would achieve that level.  It would go on a 50-50 basis. He's just as dangerous to the environment as the environment is to him and then he would go up to being able to reject the environment at will. And so we would have him passing out of the band of dangerousness. Just like that – he'd go right on out of it. You see that? All right. This ratio of dangerousness is an interesting principle. It was first written up in Excalibur in 1938 and the rule which was written up and which underlies this observation is: – a man's ability is dependent upon his belief in his dangerousness to his environment. It is only when an army man or a part of a military unit is convinced that he is no longer dangerous to the enemy that he falls apart. Beware having anything to do with a company, regiment, or division that has had any part in a rout. They will steal you blind and cut your throat in the dark no matter who you are or what. Their pride in self is gone. It's the most fantastic deterioration which you've ever witnessed in your life. Troops, they say, have to be seasoned but let's say it better than that. Troops have to have watched the enemy run under fire before they are really cocky troops. Now that's seasoning and they found out that they didn't run under fire. They have to find out these things before they are good. But there is dangerousness to the environment and you will find out any preclear that comes to you who's case is hard to handle has this as a basic factor in the case. This case believes the entire environment to be dangerous and no part of it to be safe. And a little higher on the tone scale than that believes that laughter is very dangerous, deadly and impossible.   Assist It might have better been expressed as capability but that was the way it was expressed in Excalibur in 1938. Says many, many workable principles. One of the earliest times you will run into it is when you have somebody who is out of communication and you're trying to get them to strike at your hand. We can administer to a cat, to a dog, to a horse, psychotherapy in this degree. And what do you know, it's very workable, very certain, sure fire psychotherapy. We get the animal to take a push or a little movement forward toward us at which moment taking great care not to be too rapid and so frighten this beast, we withdraw and we find the next time the person or beast is more willing to move overtly and then we withdraw more rapidly. We can do this with a hand. We can put our hand down alongside of a sick person who is almost totally out of communication, and they move their hand as though to push against our fingers and we retreat a little bit with our fingers. We find out they get a little bit more overt – this is curious to them and they'll get a little bit more overt and we retreat again a little harder. And the first thing you know, we find them picking up in consciousness and picking up in general activity and they then begin to conceive themselves as being at least slightly dangerous to their environment. I have brought children out of tantrums and cats out of neurosis and preclears into communication with this type of an activity. Get them to make a slight forward move at which moment I permit my hand to retreat. To give you some idea how early this can be worked. It worked on my little boy when he was about a month and a half old. He was not doing well. So, I was a little bit concerned with him and started to think about I wonder what the dickens I could do. All of a sudden it occurred to me – this fact of dangerousness and so I let my hand retreat – this is the youngest I ever worked, I worked it on other babies older than this but not on a month and a half for heaven sakes and I let my hand retreat from him a few times and he all of a sudden found out this was happening and this little boy hadn't done much in the way of laughing, he'd been very serious indeed, you see, and all of a sudden he broke out into a smile and we did this a few more times and I acted very terrified indeed and he broke out into a roaring laughter through the whole thing. It was the finest thing he ever saw and so on and then he became, as they quite ordinarily do, very affectionate and so on. It just raises them up unbelievably and that was the end of his real stomach trouble. There was no further stomach trouble after that. This was about 15 minutes of processing. The results are fast and they're good.   L. Ron Hubbard

  • Welcome to Ron's Org Original Free Independent – Blog

    Ron's Org, Grenchen, Switzerland The Ron's Org, original free, independent Blog is happy to present many articles from L. Ron Hubbard's works. These articles will help you understand life better and do more with it. Sometimes understanding takes some effort, but it is rewarded by the fact that you can apply it. New data or knowledge allows you to see things differently and therefore live better. If you are curious about what is behind the categories, here is a brief overview that will help you choose the one you prefer. Individuality: We are all different and yet we have one thing in common: our mind. It works the same way for everyone. Family: Family, love and children are the pillars of our societies. Understanding them and being able to improve them is the wish of all human beings. Group: We are all part of a group governed by the same natural laws. It is possible to learn and apply them. Society: Today's society is very diversified. It has problems all over the world and it is possible to understand them, no matter where you come from. Life: Life is within us and around us. Everyone has the right to respect for their own kind. Discover, learn these rights and make life better for everyone! Exact sciences: Science is there to help Man to evolve and not to destroy him in the name of vested interests. Make your own opinion. Buddhism: Buddhism is a religion without a god, but with a guideline to follow to access higher levels of consciousness; accessible with Scientology. Dianetics: It opens the doors to the universe of the mind and what can be done to make trauma disappear and the true self emerge. Scientology: Every religion or culture has a piece of truth. Scientology combines these truths into a technology for the betterment of all. Technology: Every action, science and work has a well-defined technology for achieving a valuable result acceptable to all. Increase your knowledge, apply it, and enjoy the result. Please feel free to contact us with any additional questions. We, from Ron's Org, original free, independent Blog will be glad to answer. Your happiness is important to us! Ron's Org Grenchen – Switzerland +41 32 513 72 20

  • What is Greatness? Eye Contact

    Introduction: We all want a civilization without insanity, without crime and without war, like L. Ron Hubbard. A wonderful article on “What is Greatness?” And our third TR 0 – Eye Contact evening, to which all are invited. A civilization without insanity, without criminals and without war, where the able can prosper and honest beings can have rights, and where Man is free to rise to greater heights, are the aims of Scientology.  – L. Ron Hubbard We all live in a world where we too often turn a blind eye to everyday crime. But we must not allow the brutal and draining entheta to consume our inherent theta and turn it into entheta itself. Ron rightly says that confronting evil – or entheta – requires an extraordinary ability. It is truly unfortunate, and I often see many people adopting the survival strategy of burying their heads in the sand just to live a somewhat pleasant life. Ron makes it very clear: In order to clear a person, it is crucial to increase their theta. There is a simple equation: the less theta someone has, the less they can confront or handle. In other words, all the brutal and shocking crimes – many of which are committed, supported, and protected by governments – are nearly impossible for most people to confront. Sadly, our judicial system can only confront small crimes, those committed by the average citizen. When it comes to crimes involving billions, brutal wars, and terrorist attacks, there are no judges. That’s why the saying is far truer than we might like to admit: " The small are hanged, while the great go free."  We have the tools to transform this planet into a proud and ethical world. One of the best tools we have is TR 0. It expands space, theta, and the ability to confront. Those who have achieved significant, stable gains with TR 0 know that if only this were practiced in elementary school, we would be much closer to the goal mentioned above. In a recent email, I announced that on the last Wednesday of every month, we would hold an informational evening on Training Zero. We are now expanding this so that everyone who wishes can practice TR 0 on this evening. We want to turn this evening into an Eye Contact Event.   I want to thank everyone who is helping make the goal of Scientology a reality. It is amazing how much support we receive, and we work every day to apply Ron’s technology in a way that would make him proud.   Please join us and bring someone along from time to time.   The next Training Zero Information and Eye Contact Evening will take place on Wednesday, February 26, 2025, at 7:00 PM at Ron’s Org Grenchen.   Below, you will find the well-known article by L. Ron Hubbard, "What is Greatness" .  Much love Max Hauri What is Greatness? Article by L. Ron Hubbard from Certainty Magazine 13-3 [March 1966] The hardest task one can have is to continue to love one's fellows despite all reasons he should not. And the true sign of sanity and greatness is to so continue. For the one who can achieve this, there is abundant hope. For those who cannot, there is only sorrow, hatred and despair, and these are not the things of which greatness or sanity or happiness are made. A primary trap is to succumb to invitations to hate. There are those who appoint one their executioners. Sometimes for the sake of the safety of others, it is necessary to act, but it is not necessary also to hate them. To do one's task without becoming furious at others who seek to prevent one is a mark of greatness – and sanity. And only then can one be happy. Seeking to achieve any single desirable quality in life is a noble thing. The one most difficult and most necessary to achieve is to love one's fellows despite all invitations to do otherwise. If there is any saintly quality, it is not to forgive. "Forgiveness" is a much lower level action and is rather censorious. True greatness merely refuses to change in the face of bad actions against one – and a truly great person loves his fellows because he understands them. After all, they are all in the same trap. Some are oblivious of it, some have gone mad because of it, some act like those who betrayed them. But all, all are in the same trap – the generals, the street sweepers, the presidents, the insane. They act the way they do because they are all subject to the same cruel pressures of this universe. Some of us are subject to those pressures and still go on doing our jobs. Others have long since succumbed and rave and torture and strut like the demented souls they are. To re-save some of them is a dangerous undertaking. Were you to approach many ruling heads in the world and offer to set them free (as only a Scientologist can) they would go berserk, cry up their private police and generally cause unpleasantness. Indeed, one did – he was later assassinated by no desire of ours but because of the incompetence of his own fellows about him. He could have used Scientology. Instead, he promptly tried to shoot it down by ordering raids and various berserk actions on Scientology organizations. That he was then shot had nothing to do with us, but only demonstrated how incompetent and how mortal he really was. As we become stronger, we can be completely openhanded with our help. Until we do, we can at least understand the one fact that greatness does not stem from savage wars or being known. It stems from being true to one's own decency, from going on helping others whatever they do or think or say and despite all savage acts against one; to persevere without changing one's basic attitude toward Man. A fully trained Scientologist is in a far better position to understand than a partly trained one. For the Scientologist who really knows is able not only to retain confidence in himself and what he can do, but also can understand why others do what they do and so knowing, does not become baffled or dismayed by small defeats. To that degree, true greatness depends on total wisdom. They act as they do because they are what they are – trapped beings, crushed beneath an intolerable burden. And if they have gone mad for it and command the devastation of whole nations in errors of explanation, still one can understand why and can understand as well the extent of their madness. Why should one change and begin to hate just because others have lost themselves and their own destinies are too cruel for them to face. Justice, mercy, forgiveness, all are unimportant beside the ability not to change because of provocation or demands to do so. One must act, one must preserve order and decency, but one need not hate or seek vengeance. It is true that beings are frail and commit wrongs. Man is basically good but can act badly. He only acts badly when his acts done for order and the safety of others are done with hatred. Or when his disciplines are founded only upon safety for himself regardless of all others; or worse, when he acts only out of a taste for cruelty. To preserve no order at all is an insane act. One need only look at the possessions and environment of the insane to realize this. The able keep good order. When cruelty in the name of discipline dominates a race, that race has been taught to hate. And that race is doomed. The real lesson is to learn to love. He who would walk scatheless through his day must learn this. Never use what is done to one as a basis for hatred. Never desire revenge. It requires real strength to love Man. And to love him despite all invitations to do otherwise, all provocations and all reasons why one should not. Happiness and strength endure only in the absence of hate. To hate alone is the road to disaster. To love is the road to strength. To love in spite of all is the secret of greatness. And may very well be the greatest secret in this universe. L. Ron Hubbard

  • Sexual Behavior

    Introduction: If you observe people's sexual behavior and look at this tone scale, it becomes clear that promiscuity, perversion, sadism and deviant practices are at the bottom of the scale. The Second Dynamic, especially sex, is a recurring topic of discussion in our society. Unfortunately, certain groups have received state support for sexual aberrations in recent decades. Strictly speaking, neither the state nor the church has any business in matters of sex and the Second Dynamic. I have nothing more to say on this. Much love, Max Hauri Sexual Behavior Excerpt from the book "Science of Survival" by L. Ron Hubbard, with tone scale In this current culture, sexual aberration is very high. Anything which is hidden and highly regulated in a culture will become aberrated. There is considerable confusion in the American and European cultures about sex; since there was so much perversion and promiscuity and maltreatment of children that the erroneous conclusion was reached that the remedy for this lay in further regulation; whereas, in reality, it was the regulation which caused the derangement of the dynamic. It will be noted, in observing the behavior of human beings, and on this chart of the tone scale, that promiscuity, perversion, sadism, and irregular practices fall far down the line. Free Love falls, also, in this very low band; since man is relatively monogamous and since it is non-survival not to have a well ordered system for the creation and upbringing of children, by families. A society which falls into this 1.1 band of the tone scale can be expected to abuse sex, to be promiscuous, to misuse and maltreat children, and to act, in short, much in the way current cultures are acting. It is of vital importance, if one wishes to stop immorality, and the abuse of children, to de-aberrate this dynamic for the whole group of the society, to say nothing of individuals. At the highest MEST point of the tone scale, 4.0, one finds monogamy, constancy, a high enjoyment level, and very moral reactions toward sex; but one also finds the sexual urge acting to create more than children, and so comes about a sublimation of sex into creative thought. At 3.5 on the tone scale, we have a high interest in the opposite sex, and constancy, but we do not have so great a sublimation. At 3.0 on the tone scale, we have some falling off in sexual interest, but we have an interest in procreation and children. At 2.5 , we have some disinterest in procreation, not for any reason beyond a general failure to be interested in much of anything. The sexual act can be adequately performed, given the physical ability. At the band of 2.0 , we begin to get a disgust for sex, a revulsion toward sex, mostly when irregularly practiced. At the 1.5 band of the tone scale, we find sex appearing as rape; we find the sexual act being performed as a punishment. At 1.1 on the tone scale we enter the area of the most vicious reversal of the second dynamic. Here we have promiscuity, perversion, sadism, and irregular practices. We have no enjoyment of the sex act, but a hectic anxiety about it. The sex act cannot truly be enjoyed whether performed regularly or irregularly. Here is Free Love, easy marriage and quick divorce, and general sexual disaster. People at this level on the second dynamic are intensely dangerous in the society, since aberration is contagious. A society which reaches this level is on its way out of history, as went the Greeks, as went the Romans, as goes modern European and American culture. Here is a flaming danger signal which must be heeded if a race is to go forward. At 0.5 , we have impotency and anxiety about sex, with only occasional efforts to procreate. On the second dynamic we get occasional resurgences, from 0.5 up the scale, which quickly relapse. It is interesting to note here the application of the principle of the dwindling spiral to the second dynamic. On any of the dynamics and on any column of this chart, when the individual sinks below the 2.0 level, the dwindling spiral rapidly carries him down through 1.5, 1.1, 0.5 , to death. This is particularly evident on the second dynamic. The 1.1 individual, engaged in frantic pseudo-sexual activity today, will in a very near tomorrow, much nearer than he suspects, find himself or herself at the 0.5 level of impotency and anxiety. The organs of sex, at the 0.5 level, become relatively useless; indeed, this second dynamic tone scale is closely applicable to the endocrine activity of the individual and the form and condition of the physical body. The woman who in her teens was at the 1.1 level of the scale will not have a well enough developed pelvic structure or endocrine system to permit her bearing children with ease. Difficult births are a normal result of too long a residence in a low band of the tone scale during the formative period of the body. Easy births can only be expected with women who are relatively high on the tone scale. It is noteworthy that the 1.1 to 0.5 area of the tone scale finds the muscles, particularly the sexual muscles, without tonus. The nymphomaniac and the satyr are extremely slack-muscled, and the tonus around 0.5 is almost non-existent. In the pretended death band there is, of course, no effort to procreate. Along the -1 band [-1 is just below death, below 0 on the Scale] , where the organism as an organism is dead but the cells still survive, it is interesting that ejaculation and sexual activity occasionally take place immediately after the death of the individual, which gives some index of the strength and force of this dynamic. Life is denned, in cytology, as an unending stream of protoplasm from the beginning of life itself until now. Down through the ages as a continuous genetic stream, this protoplasm is modified by natural selection and environmental conditioning, as well as by what seems to be outright planning, from generation to generation. Because life is so dependent upon this lifeline, it is very easy to place too great an emphasis upon the sexual act, the thing which keeps this lifeline in a continuous stream. L. Ron Hubbard

  • Self-determination vs Self-determinism

    Self-determination vs Self-determinism Introduction: Ron NEVER used the word “self-determination”, which also applies to the English word “self-determination”. Thanks to the complete digitization and scanning of all documents, this can be easily proven. Ron used a word that does not actually exist in English: “self-determinism”. Learn the difference between self-determination and self-determinism. This newsletter has different impacts depending on the language. My native language is German, and I discovered a remarkable translation error since Scientology started being translated into German. It’s a type of "false friend." [False friend is a term from interlinguistics that refers to word pairs from different languages that look very similar but have different meanings in their respective languages. For example, the English word "warehouse" sounds like the German "Warenhaus," but it actually means “storage facility” or “wholesale store.”] Ron NEVER used the word "self-determination". Thanks to the complete digitization and scanning of all documents, this can be easily verified. Ron used a word that technically doesn’t exist in English: "Self-Determinism." Note: The adjective in both languages is "self-determined" (selbstbestimmt). Difference between Self-determination vs Self-determinism Self-determination The term Self-Determination is one you would typically look up in a standard dictionary. The word often invites people to invent their own definitions or interpret it in a dramatic way. Here are the definitions from the Wordbook: self-determination, n. 1. direction from within only, without influence or force from without. 2. the deciding by the people of a nation what form of government they shall have, without reference to the wishes of any other nation, especially one to which it has been subject. Definition 1. comes relatively close to the meaning of  self-determinism but does not capture Ron’s definition. Self-determination is often understood in the sense of: "I decide what I do! No one tells me what to do!"—a rather simplistic or even childish interpretation of the term. In reality, Self-determination is more about something granted from the outside, whereas Self-determinism refers to a higher, more desirable state. Self-determinism Axiom 111: Self-determinism consists of maximum affinity, reality, and communication. Axiom 117: The components of Self-determinism are affinity, communication, and reality. You can find further definitions here: If Self-determinism is defined as "maximum affinity, reality, and communication," it must be high on the scale. In other words, it corresponds to values of 4.0 or higher on the Tone Scale. Here’s a particularly relevant excerpt from the book " Introduction to Scientology " by Richard DeMille, who worked closely with Ron at the time and also authored the book " How to Live Though An Executive ." Attributes of Self-Determinism  Excerpt from Introduction to Scientology by Richard DeMille, in collaboration with L. Ron Hubbard      Some of the attitudes of self-determinism, as stated in the Hubbard Chart of Attitudes and elsewhere, are listed here. The self-determined individual: Survives, is Right, is Responsible, Wins, Controls objects, Perceives the minds of others, is Truth, is Faith (Trust), Knows, Causes, is Free, Creates, changes and uncreates Space, Creates, changes and uncreates Time, Creates, changes and uncreates Energy, is a source of Motion, Creates, changes and uncreates Illusions. or: What Self-Determinism Is Not Perhaps we should say something about what self-determinism is not. Again, we avoid mis­understandings by clearing away previous con­ceptions before discussing present conceptions. Self-Determinism is not selfishness. Self-Determinism is not selflessness. Self-Determinism is not arrogance, pride, willfulness, stubbornness, bigotry, zealotry, ego­mania, or fascism. One must be self-determined in order to understand self-determinism. Self-Determinism is a principle which can be understood in direct proportion to the degree to which it is experienced. A man who has signed ninety-nine-percent of his self-determinism over to his environment can read about self-determinism until he is black in the face, but he will understand only one-per­cent of the thing he is reading about. The student is asked, again, not to be in too big a hurry to understand what is meant by self- determinism. All of Scientology is a study of self-determinism. Self-Determinism is a principle which must be used, not merely talked about. One does not become self-determined by hanging a sign on one's body which says "Self-Determined!" any more than the government can make everyone rich by printing lots and lots of money. This kind of "wealth" and this kind of "self-deter­minism" are only a mirage. Self-Determinism is on a gradient scale. The higher one goes on that scale, the more one man­ifests creativity, perceptivity and sanity. Such high-scale behavior can be recognized easily only by high-scale beings. Low-scale beings al­most inevitably fail and refuse to recognize high-scale behavior. This may sound, at first, like the rankest snobbism, but the student will discover for himself – and, therefore, is not even asked to take the word of the present writer for the fact – that those who live on the bottom of the sea cannot fully consider the life of the birds. Fortunately, if the fish take a strong enough interest in con­sidering their own lives, they may rise to the top of the water and grow wings. This is known as processing. Contradictions of Self-determination Self-determination has evolved in our society into a concept that can be used both to avoid control and to exert control over others. The right to self-determination is often taken to absurd extremes. Without delving into specifics, it seems politically incorrect to even question this right. For a Scientologist, the question may arise: Can one require someone to take a course or undergo auditing? In our society, there are thousands of similar questions – any parent can sing a song about them.  It seems almost absurd to debate whether it is unreasonable to require someone to participate in a course or take auditing, while at the same time we accept paying all taxes to the state, adhering to written and unwritten laws, and, in extreme cases, even going to war to kill other human beings – an action that, under different circumstances, would be punishable by long prison sentences or even the death penalty.  Can auditing other-determine a poor Homo sapiens at all? From my perspective, this is the wrong viewpoint, the wrong flow. The correct flow is this: In this vast shark tank, we are helping an individual regain their true self-determinism!  It’s wonderful to end one year and begin a new one with this cognition! The Hubbard Chart of Attitudes is part of the Handbook for Preclears and can be obtained in the Ron's Org, as well as the book Introduction to Scientology . Much love Max Hauri An Analysis of Self-determinism Excerpt from the book Advanced Procedure and Axioms from L. Ron Hubbard. The goal of the auditor with his preclear is not the release of a psychosomatic, not the improvement of appearance, not greater efficiency or better interpersonal relations. These are incidental. The goal of the auditor with the preclear is the rehabilitation of the preclear's self-determinism. In order to understand this goal, let us examine some data and have a thorough understanding of what self-determinism is. Before Dianetics there were vague pushes in that direction but the state itself lacked definition and definitely had no bridge built to it. Self-determinism is that state of being wherein the individual can or cannot be controlled by his environment according to his own choice. In that state the individual has self-confidence in his control of the material universe and the organisms within it along every dynamic. He is confident about any and all abilities or talents he may possess. He is confident in his interpersonal relationships. He reasons but does not need to react. On the tone scale, we have at the optimum level, I am , at the lowest level, I am not . Between we have, from the optimum level down, varying degrees of I am and I am not . The lower one goes, the more I am not there is and the less I am . Here is the graph of the state of beingness and the state of not beingness. Not beingness is death. This is a range from 20.0 down to 0.0. Full self-determinism along every dynamic is found at 20.0. A complete other-determined individual is at 0.0. A gradient scale lies between. There is a parallel column on the tone scale to the I am , I am not gradient scale. This is the I know , I know not scale. I know is at 20.0. I know not is at 0.0. Between these lie, as one descends , I understand, I am trying to understand, I will not understand, I am afraid to understand, I cannot understand, I know not. Another parallel scale would be, I have trust at 20.0 and I trust nothing at 0.0. As one descends, one reaches less and less trust and more and more distrust until we have death. The mystic for millennia has been talking about faith. He never built a bridge to it. He made a fundamental error in converting faith into have faith . When he said have faith he invited understanding, then confusion of understanding, because one does not understand faith . One is faith. The source, content of and contact with faith is you . The result of this mystic error – and it is a very gross error – was to place individuals so far down the tone scale that "love" and propitiation became bywords and hocus pocus the order of the day. Here is a 1.1 religion. It is afraid to understand because it has to have faith, but it is not faith because faith is not understanding. Hence the general confusion at 1.1. A by-product of this is the fact that individuals who thus have faith are running too slow. You get esp, hypnotism, mixed-up facsimiles with others, martyrdom, physical illness and all manner of unwanted things at this slow speed. It is too close to the static of death at 0.0, and its people are awfully dead, ineffective and irrational. People who are trying to have faith are not faith. Thus they fear (1.1) and propitiate (1.1) and are generally confused. One will not buy unreason at 20.0. They began by knowing faith and then became confused by having faith explained. Because of spectacular successes (rare as rarity), the mystic continued to strive for something he already had because he had no way to get back to where he was. The enormously successful points of being faith in the sea of unsuccessful having faith kept the mystic striving. It is possible now to achieve faith , or regain what one has lost. I am, faith , I know are at 20.0 on up. At 20.0 on the gradient scale they are at optimum unity with MEST (the physical universe) but as they rise from 20.0 they become less and less effective on MEST until top static is reached at 40.0. The scale is a circle. 40.0 and 0.0 are the same, so it is possible to go two ways towards death. One is less well off at 21.0 than he is at 20.0 since the MEST is dwindling away. The austere but spindly and weak mystic who dwells upon abstracts is less able to know . There is an entire scale above 20.0, which matches the scale below 20.0 in undesirability. The organism slows down above 20.0. The static is thoroughly unobtainable with one's body, evidently, for the static at the top in a pure state 40.0 is, for one thing, a -270 degrees C. A person who relaxes to not being in body is at first assailed by counter-efforts and then begins to chill. The various phenomena of mysticism are in the main explained by this scale. When one forsakes individuality on the way up, he, of course, can commingle with thoughts and other individualities. When he slows down below toward 0.0 he is again getting confused in his individuality, shifts valences easily, is hypnotic and is in a generally undesirable condition. Another prime error has been made and is part of our culture, both religious and scientific, and that is the error of single source. At 1.1 single source looks to be the case. Also at 39.0. At neither point, however, is there any clear view. All life forms are not from a single source. The ideas of Nirvana, Valhalla, Adam, the original cell, each is now rather completely disproven. There is a source for every genetic line. By this is meant both a theta (thought static) and MEST form. There are as many sources as there are living organisms, each line distinct and individual. The similarity of form in a species is due to similar environments and age of the class, not single source. A negative proof lies in the finding that health, sanity and effectiveness exist where the greatest self-determinism can be rehabilitated. A positive proof is that, if it were single source, the discovery of the genetic line facsimiles, the blueprint of the body, should permit just one individual to go back and clear the original upsets for the whole human race. It has been tried several times. It affects none but the preclear. His source is the very model of self-determinism. What then are you trying to do with your preclear? You are rehabilitating him from a state of partially I am not to I am , from understand to know , from distrust to trust. If you only concentrated upon distrust in others of him and his distrust of others, his enforced faiths on others and the enforced faith of others on him, and with his trust and distrust on all dynamics, particularly self, and de-sensitized such facsimiles, your preclears would be at around Ten at least. Occluded cases may be only broken trust cases for the preclear cannot trust himself, thus cannot trust his recalls. Run trust-distrust, and enforced and broken "know" and "I am" and "faith" in Act Four. L. Ron Hubbard

  • Prison Planet Earth

    Introduction: I'm an optimist, but I can't close my eyes to reality: Prison Planet Earth. Ron puts it very positively, but he is right. Without going into details: It's precisely in the teachings mentioned that we have a huge need to act. Ron's lecture "Auditing Communication Cycles" tells you a lot. Read Max Hauri's introduction letter to this article, below. Prison Planet Earth Excerpt from the lecture: "Auditing Communication Cycles" Saint-Hill Special Briefing Course 320 given by L. Ron Hubbard on August 6, 1963. Every once in a while somebody says, "Well, why don’t you…" something or other, something or other, something or other – that’s the crux of the situation – "Why don’t you change all administrative actions? Why don’t you alter all Central Organizational lines?" "Why don’t you…" so forth. "Why don’t we change everything in the course?" and so on. What they’re dealing with is a problem they actually don’t see the breadth and depth of. And that problem is this: The character of this planet and the population hereon makes it practically impossible to do anything with this planet. Now, I’m not taking off from a failure point. The stress and thought and prevention and cure and this and that which you have to go into on this planet to get anything done and running is absolutely fantastic. Now, you want to ask why this is? Well, we can go into that in a moment. But those of you who have on the backtrack an experience of you just get some guys together and you do something – you see? Well, that’s been a common experience, and you still tend to operate in that zone and sphere of influence. In other words, you said, "Well, it was very easy. We just whistle up Joe, Bill and Pete, and the four of us will go down there and fix up the signboards, and that’ll take care of that," see? And you’re all set, see? But that was yesteryear and elsewhere. And you apply that basic feeling to this planet and you’re in trouble at once. Why? This planet is part of a larger federation – was part of an earlier federation and passed out of its control due to losses in war and other such things. Now, this larger confederacy – this isn’t its right name, but we have often called it and referred to it in the past as the Marcab Confederacy. And it has been wrongly or rightly pointed to as one of the tail stars of the Big Dipper, which is the capital planet of which this planet is. Now, all this sounds very space operaish and that sort of thing, and I’m sorry for it, but I am not one to quibble about the truth. This gets in people’s hair every now and then, and I don’t see any point in lying in order to be acceptable. It just doesn’t seem to be a right way to go about things, particularly in the realm of science. I don’t think a scientist should tell a bunch of scientific (quote, unquote) lies in order to be an acceptable scientist. It doesn’t seem to me to be a sensible proceeding. However, be that as it may, these various planets united into a very vast civilization which has come forward up through the last two hundred thousand years, is formed out of the fragments of earlier civilizations. Now, I can’t tell you accurately, exactly what these blokes are up to or where they’re from, but this isn’t quite germane to this galaxy. That’s the first thing you should know about it; it isn’t quite native to your track. You find a type of mental implanting and that sort of thing going on here in the last couple of hundred thousand years which are not native to your earlier track. Now, this is all very important; it’s very important, because they have a terrible problem. They have the problem of people who are native to this galaxy and aren’t used to this kind of thing, and they have the basic problem of "How do you kill a thetan?" And that’s a terrible problem to men who have very, very guilty consciences and blood on their hands – great problem. Probably the best way to hide your overts is to give somebody amnesia, you see (then they don’t know what you’ve done to them), and then tell them something else has happened. Well, this is a dramatization of a very craven intelligence, and that is what is going on here. Now, the fellow who conforms to that society is in no vast trouble. Perhaps some bloke who has a military record against them, and that sort of thing, might possibly (no matter what he did) find himself unable to satisfactorily conform. But the point is that their ideal is the conformist. Now, these conformists are pretty weird, and the personnel of that particular society is pretty scummy, to say the least. Let’s supposing you were in the last shambling wreckages of a red-light district: you’d have high-toned personnel, compared to the personnel which makes up the other planets I’m talking to you about. High-toned personnel, much higher toned than their average run. They practice cannibalism. The stuff you get on race tracks – once in a while some pc will run into race tracks and race-track drivers – this Roman-circus-type entertainment, don’t you see? All that kind of stuff – that’s all out of this zone and area. We’re still with that planetary system. So, they specialize in the fellow who will conform. Now, he ordinarily is a "worker" who is content to draw wages and not do another single, blessed thing – you know, never really get up, improve his lot, you see, and keep on plugging along somehow, or even slump into indigence. He’s still their choice of personnel. So this leaves, this leaves the brilliant artist, the brilliant engineer, the manager, the genius, the criminal, the pervert, non persona grata. And they sentence these people – the upper class (that is to say, the brighter gent) because they can’t control him and they’re afraid of him, and the lower class because it’s too vicious even for them – and they condemn these people to perpetual amnesia. "Dead forever," they call it – the problem of killing a thetan – and wrap them up in mothballs and ship them down here, and here we are. And that is the population of this planet. All right. Here’s a population, then, of minimal workers, maximal managers, artists, geniuses, criminals and perverts. What you going to make out of this lot, huh? Now, those are the blokes you’re talking to when you say "Add up the left-hand column of the ledger." Well, of course, the artist says he could add it up much more prettily. The guy who actually, in his own right, was a very skilled manager, he says he could devise a much better system – it’s true, too; he probably could. If the bird is a criminal, he’s just sitting there trying to figure out how he can add it up so he can short you. And there’s your zone of operation; there is your response to 8-C in trying to get an organization running. It’s all alter-is, because the basic crime was nonconforming. The basic crime wasn’t being a criminal; the basic crime was not conforming. Well, actually, this group has gone ahead and made up, up until recent times, a totally different civilization than the civilization which planted it here. In the last ten thousand years, they have gone on with a sort of a decadent, kicked-in-the-head civilization that contains automobiles, business suits, fedora hats, telephones, spaceships – quite interesting, but a civilization which looks an almost exact duplicate, but is worse off than the current US civilization. Therefore, you find the current US and Western civilization rather restimulative, because it has moved up to look like the Marcabian civilization. It’s been moving up here rather rapidly. And now we’re at a point, a very high level of restimulation, because the automobile design, the train design, ship design (why, they’ve got ships in those areas, look just like the Queen Mary, you see?), and the fire engines and the stuff you do with men’s clothes particularly – all of these things are the same image. So you’re going into a highly restimulative era, I mean in time a highly restimulative era, but we do not have this people … missing 14.51  because we’ve not had this before. See? We’ve been moving up through strata of civilization, but we hadn’t matched this one. And remember that this society at the present time looks dangerous; it looks very dangerous. One of the highest crimes you could pull in that Marcabian society, probably even today, is income tax; you make one comma wrong and it’s "dead forever." Sounds weird, doesn’t it? So, they got everybody paying income tax – awful restimulative. Probably nothing much wrong with income tax if it were administered as a tax, but it isn’t; it’s administered as a punishment, even on this planet today. Well, it’s one of their prime punishments in the Marcabian civilization. … But here you are; that is the point. Here you are; that is this planet. Every once in a while you get mad at government on this planet, when in actual fact you’re mad at the Marcabian government. And there’s a great deal of confusion. Every once in a while somebody will get awfully furious with an organization, very furious with an organization here on this planet, when they have actually identified the organization with the Marcabian civilization. Now, you start hitting people here with restimulative materials of this particular type, and it restimulates a terrific unreality; it restimulates amnesia. I have to ask you this: How hard do you have to hit somebody to bring about amnesia? Let’s take Joe out here and let’s just see how hard do we have to hit Joe in order to bring about amnesia on his part so he doesn’t know who he is, where he is, or anything else. How hard would we have to hit him? Boy, that’s pretty hard. It’s almost unbelievable force is used to handle a thetan and put him into this kind of condition. I’ve been hit with some awful heavy force in this universe without losing my mind or forgetting who I am, see? So it’s pretty heavy duress. And you restimulate that very easily by telling people things. It gets awful unreal. But you would find, if you gave them the actual dope, that they would be far more in agreement with you than if you gave them just a touch of the dope, do you see? You won’t find the citizens of this planet very far in disagreement with what you’re doing. So, therefore, you’ve got some kind of an explosion going. Well, these guys are not going to blow their own show. See? They’re not going to do anything peculiar about it. They’ve probably got us all sized up, if they know anything about us at all. They probably have some dim idea of what we’re doing, and saying, "Oh, yes. Ho-hum." And give the devil his due: They might even say, "Well, hey, what do you know? Those guys might be producing a type of technology which we ourselves desperately need." Look at that. See, now, they know the problems exist. They couldn’t have had any decent solution, or they wouldn’t have taken the route to solution which they have. They are beings, too; remember that. So when we look at all this: you are (1) organizationally handling people who are revolutionaries. They are nonconformists. Probably the common denominator of this planet is revolution. Probably the one thing you could always start on this planet would be a revolution, because it’s a state of perpetual revolution. Trying to hold any organization together of any kind whatsoever becomes almost impossible, because everybody you’re dealing with is a nonconformist. All right. So far goes the civilization. There are just those few statements on the thing I thought you might find of interest. We’re dealing now with "What is an auditor?" You are handling, therefore, the roughest case that you could find in the universe, because the rehabilitation of the individual demands that you rehabilitate his knowingness. If his knowingness does not increase independently, he himself does not get well. You see, electrical charge on the case is simply a symptom that measures his knowingness. If he’s got too much charge, his knowingness is way down. See, that’s an indirect measure of the amount of knowingness of the individual.  L. Ron Hubbard Dear Friends, 2024 is coming to an end, and a new year is beginning. I am an optimist, but I cannot close my eyes to reality. Changes are on the horizon for the coming year; that is undeniable. There are so many pressing issues and unresolved problems. Let us take a look at Logic 24 : The resolution of the philosophical, scientific and human studies (such as economics, politics, sociology, medicine, criminology, etc.) depends primarily upon the resolution of the problems of the human mind. – L. Ron Hubbard. Ron puts it very positively, but he is right. Without delving into the details, it is clear that we have significant work to do in the areas he mentioned. Whether all the solutions we receive in 2025 will be in your and my best interests remains to be seen. However, one thing is clear: we would be unwise to rely solely on the authorities. It is far more reasonable to improve our own lives and immediate surroundings — to support and strengthen our first, second, and third dynamics. Another important, stable truth for me is this: Every person is capable of producing or creating far more than they need for themselves to live. A simple example from the past is the father who could create enough to support an entire family. At the same time, every family member contributed their share. The idea that one could live entirely on social benefits, universal basic income, or similar "aids" without any personal effort is fundamentally flawed. We all have the ability to contribute and create more than we require for ourselves. This is a basic principle. It is fundamentally wrong to believe that one should not have to contribute anything in order to live. In my opinion, there is a evil intention behind the belief that one can earn money simply by having money. For this very reason, interest was fundamentally forbidden in the three major religions (Christianity, Islam, and Judaism). Unfortunately, these prohibitions were not consistently enforced; instead, they were weakened through loopholes or abolished entirely. The introduction of interest and fiat money — unlimited money printing — has led to wars and will continue to cause conflicts. The real evil intention here is to make money without having to work for it. It is a selfish mindset, focused solely on taking without giving back. The fundamental contract every person has is to create at least as much as they need for themselves. It is precisely these psychopathic capitalists and their imitators who make it difficult for ordinary workers to receive fair exchange for their labor. They have created and perpetuate a system in which they continuously skim the cream off the top while others must work for them. This is the fundamental problem we face on this planet with this particular type of Thetan. Their presence here is certainly no coincidence. Ron has clarified what is happening on this planet for me through numerous lectures, books, bulletins, and policy letters. But I have also learned a great deal through auditing — both directly from the insights gained and indirectly because auditing has removed charge. This has increased my reality, allowing me to see things that were previously hidden or unbearable to acknowledge. For this, I am very grateful, even though one often cannot openly discuss the reality because it seems too unreal to the average person. There is a lecture by Ron with the harmless-sounding title "Auditing Communication Cycles," which an auditor studies early in their career at Level 0. It’s not for the faint of heart! The entire lecture is attached; an excerpt can be found above. For the New Year, I wish for collaboration and initiative to bring new people into Ron's Org, spreading and applying the Tech. This is not Ron's planet, nor is it my planet — it is our planet. Together, we can succeed. Happy New Year! Max, Erica, Melinda, Dirk, Verena, Jean, Sibylle, and Henrietta

  • Control and Affinity

    Introduction: The word control evokes moments when we were beaten down into apathy or given such conflicting commands to obey that we henceforth shudder away from any mention of the word. But it is really about something else. Max Hauri's letter – in blue – is included in this article. Control and Affinity Control and the Mechanics of "Start-Change-Stop" from L. Ron Hubbard s 18th ACC lecture # 6, dated July 22, 1957 Control There is a scale: Havingness Interest Communication Control Help Overt Withhold … No Effect At the very bottom is No Effect, with some levels omitted here. As we can see, control is very high on the scale – even higher than help! Control thus appears to be something good. Having control over one’s environment and fellow human beings is desirable. A boss or parent must certainly have control; it is part of the game, as well as freedoms. However, I want to address something entirely different. IT and AI will relentlessly pursue the interests of their clients without emotion; affinity will be entirely disregarded. A ruthless "eat or be eaten" policy will be implemented. No one will be there to acknowledge an origination, understand you, or provide validation. You will no longer be able to reach anyone – people will no longer be "necessary." The current use of killer robots between Israel and Gaza only confirms how urgently Scientology is needed. AFFINITY, that is some emotional or felt consideration of proximity, is basically a consideration of distance, but it is that consideration which says that one likes or doesn't like it. In other words, without some liking or disliking, having some things to avoid or to go close to, there would be no game at all. – L. Ron Hubbard For Christmas, I want to share a very important element from Ron to create affinity, and thereby also love. It’s a fantastic principle that we should all understand and apply. L. Ron Hubbard: Therefore Affinity is control. Somebody comes along and says, "Stand up straighter. Got your heels together. Suck in your guts" and he will say, "The guy loves me." If a person had a body then control would be affinity. If he could control something he would like it. An individual who finds out control isn't killing him turns out to like his auditor. That is an establishment of a reality level and the affinity level at that reality level is control. It goes up and not down the scale. An individual cannot adequately control his car and he doesn't like his car. What does he mean by "like"? Does he mean an emotion? No, he means an ability to control it. One wonders why some married couples don't get along although she apparently does everything he says. It is just control going on all the time. One is looking here at where con-trol is affinity. They express their affinity for each other by kicking each other, trying to gain control over each other by fighting. Below that level is love making. One can understand a lot by just looking at what understanding is at the level of mass. It is control, controlling and being controlled. That is understanding. Control does not need to involve ARC to create affinity; it simply needs to be good control. Control is always good – otherwise, it’s not control. To avoid any misunderstandings: dominance, bullying, violence, and the like are not control. Control is starting, changing, and stopping – sometimes involving effort and emotion, which is not unusual, as ease comes with repeated application. We must uphold humanity. We must maintain affinity, love, and emotions for one another, and ensure we have ARC for each other. Merry Christmas Max, Erica, Melinda, Dirk, Verena, Jean, and Sibylle

  • More Confronting

    Introduction: That which a person can confront, he can handle. The first step of handling anything is gaining an ability to face it. –  L. Ron Hubbard A week of Hard TRs has just come to an end. Read some of the results under the article of L. Ron Hubbard. More Confronting Ability 54, Beginning September 1957 That which a person can confront, he can handle. The first step of handling anything is gaining an ability to face it. It could be said that war continues as a threat to Man because Man cannot confront war. The idea of making war so terrible that no one will be able to fight it is the exact reverse of fact – if one wishes to end war. The invention of the longbow, gunpowder, heavy naval cannon, machine guns, liquid fire, and the hydrogen bomb add only more and more certainty that war will continue. As each new element which Man cannot confront is added to elements he has not been able to confront so far, Man engages himself upon a decreasing ability to handle war. We are looking here at the basic anatomy of all problems. Problems start with an inability to confront anything. Whether we apply this to domestic quarrels or to insects, to garbage dumps or Picasso, one can always trace the beginning of any existing problem to an unwillingness to confront. Let us take a domestic scene. The husband or the wife cannot confront the other, cannot confront second dynamic consequences, cannot confront the economic burdens, and so we have domestic strife. The less any of these actually are confronted the more problem they will become. It is a truism that one never solves anything by running away from it. Of course, one might also say that one never solves cannonballs by baring his breast to them. But I assure you that if nobody cared whether cannonballs were fired or not, control of people by threat of cannonballs would cease. Down on skid row where flotsam and jetsam exist to keep the police busy, we could not find one man whose basic difficulties, whose downfall could not be traced at once to an inability to confront. A criminal once came to me whose entire right side was paralyzed. Yet, this man made his living by walking up to people in alleys, striking them and robbing them. Why he struck people he could not connect with his paralyzed side and arm. From his infancy he had been educated not to confront men. The nearest he could come to confronting men was to strike them, and so his criminal career. The more the horribleness of crime is deified by television and public press, the less the society will be able to handle crime. The more formidable is made the juvenile delinquent, the less the society will be able to handle the juvenile delinquent. In education, the more esoteric and difficult a subject is made, the less the student will be able to handle the subject. When a subject is made too formidable by an instructor, the more the student retreats from it. There were, for instance, some early European mental studies which were so complicated and so incomprehensible and which were sown with such lack of understanding of Man that no student could possibly confront them. In Scientology when we have a student who has been educated basically in the idea that the mind is so formidable and so complicated that none could confront it, or perhaps so bestial and degraded that no one would want to, we have a student who cannot learn Scientology. He has confused Scientology with his earlier training, and his difficulty is that he cannot be made to confront the subject of the mind. Man at large today is in this state with regard to the human spirit. For centuries Man was educated to believe in demons, ghouls, and things that went boomp in the night. There was an organization in southern Europe which capitalized upon this terror and made demons and devils so formidable that at length Man could not even face the fact that any of his fellows had souls. And thus we entered an entirely materialistic age. With the background teaching that no one can confront the "invisible," vengeful religions sought to move forward into a foremost place of control. Naturally, it failed to achieve its goal and irreligion became the order of the day, thus opening the door for Communism and other idiocies. Although it might seem true that one cannot confront the invisible, who said that a spirit was always invisible? Rather let us say that it is impossible for Man or anything else to confront the nonexistent and thus when nonexistent gods are invented and are given more roles in the society, we discover Man becomes so degraded that he cannot even confront the spirit in his fellows, much less become moral. Confronting as a subject in itself is intensely interesting. Indeed, there is some evidence that mental image pictures occur only when the individual is unable to confront the circumstances of the picture. When this compounds and Man is unable to confront anything anywhere, he might be considered to have pictures of everything everywhere. This is proven by a rather interesting test made in 1947 by myself when it was discovered that if an individual could be made to "run a lock" of something he had just seen, run another lock on something he had just heard, and run an additional lock on something he had just felt, he would at length be able to handle much more serious pictures in his mind. I discovered, although I did not entirely interpret it at the time, that an individual has no further pictures when he can confront all pictures; thus being able to confront everything he has done, he is no longer troubled with the things he has done. Supporting this, it will be discovered that individuals who progress in an ability to handle pictures eventually have no pictures at all. This we call a Clear. A Clear in an absolute sense would be someone who could confront anything and everything in the past, present and future. Unfortunately for the world of action, it will be discovered that one who can confront everything does not have to handle anything. In support of this is offered that Scientology process, Problems of Comparable Magnitude. In this particular process the individual being processed is asked to select a terminal with which he has had difficulty. In that the definition of a terminal is a "live mass" or something that is capable of causing, receiving or relaying communication, it will be seen that terminals are quite ordinarily people in the problem category of anyone's bank. The person is then asked to invent a problem of comparable magnitude to that person. He is asked to do this many, many times. It will be found midway in the process that he is willing to do something now about the problems he is having with that person. But at the end of the process a new and strange thing is found to occur. The individual no longer feels that he must do something about the problem. Indeed, he can simply confront or regard or view the problem with complete equanimity. Now an almost mystic quality enters this when it is discovered that the problem in the physical universe about which he has been worried often ceases to exist out there. In other words, the handling of a problem seems to be simply the increase of ability to confront the problem and when the problem can be totally confronted it no longer exists. This is strange and miraculous. It is hard to believe that an individual who has a drunken husband could cure that individual of drink simply by processing out the problem of having a drunken husband, and yet this has occurred. I am not saying here that all the problems of the world could be vanquished simply by running Problems of Comparable Magnitude on a few people, but neither am I saying that all the problems of the world could not be handled by Problems of Comparable Magnitude on a few people, and indeed I am at this time undertaking an experiment in this direction on the subject of the atomic bomb. It is an oddity that the longer this experiment is continued, the less responsive these bombs are to test firing. Perhaps it could be said, however, that if there existed one person in the entire universe who could confront all of the universe, the problems of the universe for all would deintensify enormously. Man's difficulties are a compound of his cowardices. To have difficulties in life, all it is necessary to do is to start running away from the business of livingness. After that, problems of unsolvable magnitude are assured. When individuals are restrained from confronting life they accrue a vast ability to have difficulties with it. There are many other things about confronting which are intensely interesting but these we will take up in a later issue. An earlier issue of Ability carried in it a full resume of Training 0, the name of which is Confronting. This drill, done for a great many hours, will be found intensely efficacious in the handling of life. A wife and a husband whose way has not been too smooth would find it extremely interesting in terms of resolution of domestic difficulties to co-audit with this training drill alone, each one running it upon the other for at least 25 hours. This would have to be done, of course, on a turnabout basis of not more than 2 hours on one and then a switch from "coach" to "auditor." To run Confronting in this fashion and with considerable gain, it would be necessary to have some understanding of what a "coach" is and, in one of these co-auditing teams, what an "auditor" is. A much fuller understanding of this will be contained in the Student Manual. The team sits in straightbacked – preferably uncomfortably upright – chairs. The coach and auditor sit facing each other a short distance apart. It is the task of the coach to keep the auditor "on the ball." The "auditor's" feet must be flat on the floor, his hands must be in his lap. His head must be erect and he must not use any system or method but must simply confront. A twitching muscle, a jittering finger alike would be reproached by the coach. The coach has several terms he uses. The first of these is "Start," at which moment the "session" begins. Every time the auditor falls from grace, does not hold his position, slumps, goes anaten (unconscious), twitches, starts his eyes wandering, or in any way demonstrates an incorrect position, the coach says "Flunk" and corrects the difficulty. He then says "Start" again and the session goes on. When the person in the role of "auditor" has been extremely successful over a period of time the coach can say "Win" and then again "Start." When the coach wishes to make some comments or give some advice the coach says "That's it," straightens up this point and then again says "Start." In the coaching itself only these terms are employed: "Start," "Flunk," "Win," "That's it." Anything else the coach does or says is disregarded by the "auditor" unless the coach has said "That's it" and has then advised on a point and then has started again. The coach would be at liberty to do anything he wished, short of physical violence, to make the auditor nervous or upset him. The coach could say anything he wished between a "start" and another command as above, and the auditor would flunk if he paid any attention or did otherwise than simply confronted. Ordinarily all the coach does is make sure that the auditor goes on confronting. However, it should be understood that the drill can be toughened up considerably. The coach can do anything to throw the auditor off the simple business of confronting. If the auditor so much as twitches a smile, looks embarrassed, clears his throat or in any other way falls off from plain and ordinary confronting, it is, of course, always a "flunk." It should be understood that drill sessions are not auditing sessions. In a drill session the entire session is in the hands of the coach, who is only in a vague way the "preclear" of the session. In an auditing session the entire session is in the hands of the auditor. There is a basic rule here. Anything which the "auditor" or "student," as he is called in the drills, is holding tense, is the thing with which he is confronting. If the "auditor's" eyes begin to smart, he is confronting with them. If his stomach begins to protrude and becomes tense he is confronting with his stomach. If his shoulders or even the back of his head become tense, then he is confronting with the shoulders or the back of his head. A coach who becomes very expert in this can spot these things at once and would in this case give a "That's it," straighten the auditor out on it and would then start the session anew. It is interesting that the drill does not consist of confronting with something. The drill consists only of confronting; therefore, confronting with is a "flunk." Various nervous traits can be traced at once to trying to confront with something which insists on running away. A nervous hand, for instance, would be a hand with which the individual is trying to confront something. The forward motion of the nervousness would be the effort to make it confront, the backward motion of it would be its refusal to confront. Of course, the basic error is confronting with the hand. The world is never bright to those who cannot confront it. Everything is a dull gray to a defeated army. The whole trick of somebody telling you "It's all bad over there," is contained in the fact that he is trying to keep you from confronting something and thus make you retreat from life. Eyeglasses, nervous twitches, tensions, all of these things stem from an unwillingness to confront. When that willingness is repaired, these disabilities tend to disappear. Of course, tumultuously married couples may encounter some knock-down and drag-out moments in doing this confronting drill. However, it should be kept in mind that it is the coach in these training drills who is bound by the Instructor's Code and that the only harm that can result would come about if the "auditor" were permitted to "blow" (leave) the session without the coach, even with manhandling, getting the auditor back into the drill. It will be found that these "blows" occur most frequently when the person being coached, in other words the "auditor," is being given too few wins and is being discouraged by the coach. Of course, things he does wrong should be flunked, but it will be found that the way is paved to success with wins; therefore, when he does it well for a period of time, the "auditor" should be told so. Go into this drill expecting explosions and upsets and simply refuse to give up if they occur and you will have it whipped in short order. Go into it expecting that all will be sweetness and light and everyone should be a little gentleman and a little lady and disaster will loom. Neither I nor the management are responsible for cuts, contusions, violent words, or divorces resulting from attempts to run confrontingness drills by husbands and wives on each other. May you never be the same. L. Ron Hubbard Founder We feature a week of Hard TRs from Monday May 5 to Saturday May 10, 2025. Testimonials on the benefits of Hard TRs For me, the Hard TR0 is one of the tools that enable us to move towards this “beingness” and regain a real ability to face life and its aberrations. I see them as a kind of mental martial art, where everyone has to go through their share of mental-physical challenges, but with the promise at the end of the day to get the wins that are really worth the courage to put one's butt on the chair. During this week of TR0, I experienced for the first time in my life a feeling combining both, Power and Peace – inner calm. It's very precious to me and invaluable; I wish everyone to get a taste of it. – Kevin I loved this week of hard TRs. I'm already on my second one and I can feel the progress. I already know I will do more! First of all, to continue my progress, but also because it is a subject, an experience, after which you feel so good, different, but better! – Franck I started Scientology not long ago and hadn't done many long TRs (the maximum 50 minutes). I was very apprehensive. Now I want to do it again; it was a great week. – Cey A great week with a great group! So much new energy! Improved ability to confront. No more falling into sleep and we are there! The world is waking up and I'm waking up with it; what a happiness! – Sébastien I really found the days of Hard TRs very beneficial. The first 2-3 days were a little uncomfortable, as 2 hours is already unusually long. But then it got easier and easier. I found that I was able to communicate with people in an unusual way. My sound level also went up a notch. I'm now a TR0 follower. As for my inner over-excitement, it has disappeared, except for brief moments. – Stefan Sincerely yours, Max Hauri

  • Diagnosis and Repair of Groups

    Introduction: Ethics are distinct from morals. Ethics are the factors of survival as they reasonably and currently apply to the problem. Honesty, derivable, is the highest level of survival. Potential of survival can also be measured, in other words, in terms of the amount of truth discovered and applied to given problems and situations. Morals have only to do with habits and customs and are to a large degree reactive, not reasonable. Diagnosis and Repair of Groups January 1951 Group repair is actually a study of the tone scale and mental equipment of the leader of a group. A group is no more ethical than its system of ethics. Ethics are a direct measure of a position on the tone scale. A system for measuring the ethic of any individual or group could be devised from tests measuring the communication, affinity and reality factors of the individual. Likewise a system of measuring the ethic of a group could be devised from a study of its communication, affinity and reality factors. Theta is as pure as it has truth in it. The amount of Theta in a pure state in an individual or group measures the life potential and energy of the group. We study, in Theta, not only reason and ideals, but also the dynamic – the energy and longevity – of survival. Thus when we say "amount of Theta" we could also say "amount of reason" and "abundance of energy expended toward survival." Ethics are distinct from morals. Ethics are the factors of survival as they reasonably and currently apply to the problem. Honesty, derivable, is the highest level of survival. Potential of survival can also be measured, in other words, in terms of the amount of truth discovered and applied to given problems and situations. Morals have only to do with habits and customs and are to a large degree reactive, not reasonable. On the tone scale it can be seen that survival potential drops lower and lower as communication, affinity and reality drop lower and lower. Death is no affinity, no communication, no reality and no survival. As one spots a group or an individual on the tone scale he can spot exact and precise reactions of ARC for that individual. Around two, as for communications, the individual will censor communications. Around two he has overt hostility for his affinity. Around two he has challenge, interruption for his agreement. Lower, around 1. 5, he deals with perversion of communications, hatred for his affinity and utter disagreement for his agreement (reality). Around 1.0 he has cut-off for communications, covert hostility for his affinity and contradiction for his agreement. As an individual is upon the tone scale so will he inevitably handle ARC. As a group exists on a tone scale, so will it inevitably handle ARC. Below 2.0, whatever his expressed intentions, the individual works as Entheta and enmest and as the tone sinks to 1.0 will actually kill himself and other individuals or groups. He talks of death and emergencies. He advises powerful remedies for "potential death" situations. And although he may seem to work hard to "remedy" the situations he postulates, he will yet produce only reduced survival or death for himself, his associates or his group. He may seem to be working with the highest effectiveness, he may believe he is doing his very best and yet the end product of his endeavor will be reduced survival or death. Napoleon used to choose his generals on the basis of all their qualifications and one final factor, "Is he lucky ?" We are possibly looking at the anatomy of luck when we look at an individual's position on the tone scale. Theta will attract MEST to it. And what do we mean by luck except an x factor by which an individual or group obtains MEST with minimal effort. An investigation, not yet made, might demonstrate that even in gambling a man's luckiness could be forecast by his psychometry. As the accident prone collects accidents, so does the 2.0 and below individual collect bad luck. Those things with which he associates break or become involved as to ownership. His friends seem to melt away. "Life goes against him." A group, situated below 2.0 on the tone scale, has vast trouble with its possessions and property. It seems to alienate other groups. It is not lucky or prosperous. Actually, in both cases, the suicide spiral has been entered and the actions of the life cycle tend to require that the individual or the group commit suicide. Entheta, once in action, contages its turbulence into other Theta and organized MEST and when enough can be generated death can take place and another cycle can be begun, a new individual, a new group. The death of an individual or the death of an enterprise or nation follows this spiral toward suicide. The way stations are the points of action on the ARC survival tone scale. Look at the points of action for affinity on the tone scale, or for reality or for communication, and you can see how much inclined toward death for the individual or the group will be the actions of that individual or group. Reversing the viewpoint, by spotting the position of the individual on the tone scale or by spotting the position of the group by what he or it does with ARC, one can see the survival potential of the group in terms of energy and longevity. Thus, we could see, for instance, that an administrator favored secrecy in his dealings, that he practiced cruelty on individuals of a group but masked the cruelty under "necessity," that he altered or suppressed every plan submitted to him – one could spot him on the tone scale at about 1.1. One could see immediately that the organization would be inclined toward death and that it would fail. Actually, the very measures he may so convincingly postulate to answer up to "emergencies" will bring failure and disaster. The effect upon a group of any individual of that group depends upon the altitude the individual holds with the group. A person holding a command post with a group may have as much or more weight on the group than the combined members of the group unless a system is devised which gives more stature to the individual members themselves. A group, then, alert to bring about the highest level of survival for the group, to conquer for it the maximum amount of MEST, should be alert to the position on the tone scale of the leaders of that group. The group itself can deduce the position of a leader on the tone scale by the way he handles ARC. The highest quality leader who would bring the most to the group would handle ARC in a nearly pure state. He would work toward open and clean communication lines. He would attempt to effect the greatest affinity amongst the group and with the group. He would act only with the highest level of agreement with the group. And he would pay the strictest attention to the ethics of the group. As we have both terror and fear at the same point on the tone scale, we can see that there is a difference of intensity for any point on that scale. This is like the question of pitch and volume in music. The point on the scale would compare to pitch. The volume of the note would compare to the amount of Theta energy or Entheta energy present at that point. Thus, a group must also be alert for the energy of an administrator – in other words, his dynamic potential in terms of volume. A group could have a very high Theta leader who was high in tone scale point only but who had no volume of energy to offer. Searching for energy volume a group may often mistake MEST force for Theta power in a man. True a man who can become very energetically high Theta can, during moments of turbulence, become large volume enTheta, but his volume will only direct at Entheta, not Theta. There is another characteristic of personality, like "quality" in music, which has to do with the caliber or workability of the reasoning of the leader. High Theta and high volume of energy and high quality of reason combine into excellent leadership. That group which values its survival as a group at all would do well to learn group-necessity-value and how to express it. The group can bring all pressure toward any leader or sub-leader to effect the highest ARC possible. Then each member of the group can perform his duties in the most efficient and prideful manner possible. And each group member should act to maintain high ARC in the internal organization. This can raise group tone to a point where group tone raises individual tone and the climbing survival level complements itself interactively. A volume of energy at a high tone level, once attained, operates with a kind of velocity. Given so much impetus it thereafter maintains itself and begins to gather more volume and higher tone as an automatic action. Like the ram jet which, at the speed of sound has attained almost perpetual motion and constant speed, so can a group, by artificially attaining necessity level, begin an automatic, self-supporting rise in the group volume and tone. This point is very high but is worth striving for since an individual in such a group soars up the tone scale as a direct result. L. Ron Hubbard Founder

  • Announcement

    Introduction: Announcement! The Ron's Org construction is set to continue! A place to study life, receive auditing, train as an auditor and progress on the Bridge. Two references from L. Ron Hubbard to use, to apply: Quarters Policy regarding historical from the 23. September 1970 , mentioned in the text below. Fixed public consumption of a product from the 24. July 1967 . This in particular is a good guideline for the future! Announcement Around 2004 or 2005, we realized that we needed more space for the Ron's Org to expand. So, Erica began diligently searching for houses and building lands where we could establish our new Ron's Org. When making such a decision, there are many factors to consider, and numerous mistakes can be made. While I won't go into detail – though it would be worthwhile to write it down as a hat – instinctively, we made all the right choices, as evidenced by our success. Very recently, I found a reference from Ron on this subject. Erica and I looked at each other and nodded. "Very Well Done," we said to each other. The Policy Letter "Quarters Policy regarding historical", 23.09.1970 is attached. In 2007, we bought a land in Grenchen, almost 2500 m². As many of you know, it is extremely close to the station, from where you can catch an express train to Zurich and Lausanne. While you might walk kilometers in an airport, here you can count the steps. We are close to the highway and roughly in the middle of the three Swiss international airports. In other words, we are very easy to reach. In Grenchen, it is easy to find affordable apartments, so we don't have problems finding accommodation for students, PCs, and pre-OTs. Shopping malls and reasonably priced restaurants are very nearby. In 2013, the first part of our intended construction was completed, and we moved in. Until today, the size of the real estate matched the size of Ron's Org, but now we are occasionally a bit too crowded. This is a good indicator that we need more space. The next step is to build the originally planned Ron's Org, which will be around 600 m². This is what we have now decided to do. Here, you can see how it will look in the end: The Haus Nord is complete. On the ground floor, there is the Ron's Org, which also includes a large basement. Those who have visited it, will know what I'm referring to. The building also features the mandatory Swiss bunker, where I store many books and tapes in at least three languages, with some materials in additional languages. Adjacent to House North will be an underground car park. It will be quite spacious, which is necessary because we are in the middle of the city. On the right side of the drawing, you can see the future Ron's Org on the ground floor. Above it, there are additional apartments – two sets of three. We may divide some of these apartments in half to create more units. Although we are not in a bad financial position, the entire construction project is of course a challenge, and we will certainly need help. If you have any ways to assist us, please let me know. In the next few weeks and months, we will be busy planning Ron's Org and other spaces. Then, the building permit will be submitted, and eventually, the excavators will start, and off we go. I will definitely keep you updated. Fingers crossed! Much love, Max Hauri

  • Violence

    Introduction: The one thing that for sure gets a government or ruling body nowhere is violence. The difference between sanity and insanity is destructiveness. Insanity has to do with motive, not competence. The article below was written during the period when Ron was developing the Ls, i.e. Class X-XII.   Read Max Hauri's introduction letter to this article below. Violence Policy Letter 16. July 1971 The one thing that for sure gets a government or ruling body nowhere is violence. Covert violence in the name of "intelligence" is about the dumbest trick of all time. I concluded a long time ago that man can't be trusted with "justice." Yet the only restraint of wrongdoing one can impose is use of force. And that is only true until one establishes sanity. The difference between sanity and insanity is destructiveness. Insanity has to do with motive, not competence. If you wonder about your own sanity just ask yourself "Am I destructive?" That is the full answer. Feeling spinny is not being insane. It's just an inability to locate one's position in relation to one's surroundings. Thus violence practiced for its own sake is just insanity. Sure makes some of these governments look odd. The world needs to be given the answer to sanity before it blows itself apart altogether. That's why I'm anxious to get things going smoothly so I can gain the six weeks or two months needed to write it. You'd help by making sure you're hatted and doing your job well. I appreciate the work of those who are making things go right. L. Ron Hubbard Founder Dear Friends, We just came back from a successful training camp. We had a good time, worked a lot and were able to go swimming in the sea once a day. It really felt like a New Civilization. The next camp will be in Moscow or its surrounding area, from April 11 to April 26, 2025 . We will have something to celebrate: this will be the fiftieth Russian training camp ! Not counting OT Missions and Les Verrieres (our training camps in Switzerland). In all these years we have trained many people on all kinds of tech and admin courses. We can proudly say that we have reached a very high standard; there is a lot of auditing and training of auditors, case supervisors, technical and administrative staff in each camp. In Spring 2025, we will arrive a week earlier because we will be training some auditors to become Class XII case supervisors. These auditors have audited many hours of Ls over the last 13 years and are professional Class XII auditors. It is only logical that they now become Class XII case supervisors. Much love. Max Hauri

  • Who was L. Ron Hubbard

    Introduction: How did Ron gain his knowledge? How did he experience the culture in the Far East? Did he consider himself to be American or Asian? What did he learn there?Scientology didn't arise spontaneously. It was very well backed up by an enormous amount of information. Download the English audio from L. Ron Hubbard lecture here : Read Max Hauri's introduction letter to this article below. Who was L. Ron Hubbard – A kind of autobiography Bridge Between Scientology and Civilization Excerpt from the lecture given on the 20 of July 1954, Bridge between Scientology and Civilization . Scientology didn't arise spontaneously. It was very well backed up by an enormous amount of information. When I was quite young, I had the opportunity of looking over Eastern cultures and barbaric cultures and I had a great many friends who were very, very interested in the field of the soul, the mind – friends of all colors, shapes, sizes, creeds and professions. The main thing which came home to me when I was very young, in Asia and various places, was that although these people apparently knew something, I could not conceive that they were using it. Here was the Western idea of rendering a punch and getting in there and getting something done and must arrive and so forth, up against the timelessness of the East. How one man could simply sit still and think, or not think, for a half a century – and I have seen some men who have done this in the East – was incomprehensible to me. The thing to do was to act. That was my philosophy. As much material as might have leaked into my ears, we had considerable of it utterly rejected. If these people were so bright, if these people were so intelligent, why didn't they have better sewer systems? The philosophy of a progressive land grown up on the philosophy that if you could hit hard enough, suddenly enough, you ate – up against the philosophy of a land where if you sat long enough and could endure enough, sooner or later, something would walk by and maybe you could eat and that was all right. Now, as we look over these two philosophies, we see that a young American indoctrinated into speed, action, dash, certainly couldn't put up very much with meditation. So it looked to me, when I was very young, that they were taking the long way at it, if they were going at anything at all. I was not too sure of this. And even today I am not too sure of this because I have seen people get into the figure-figure-figure category and be utterly incapable of progressing beyond that point. They simply start chewing up data. And then they maul it around and they think it around and they figure and they figure and they figure. Yet, at the same time, in Asia, I saw a great many and have seen a great many things which you would call miracles. And I could not put these things from my mind. I have seen such things as eight matches floating in a bowl of water being made to drill by an individual who simply looked at them. He actually looked at these eight matches floating in a bowl and would rack them up, just by looking at them, so that they made an orderly line, one line; and then make them all turn sideways so that they looked like a picket fence; and then make them form something that looked like a star – intriguing, to say the least. A parlor trick, fakirism, yet it was very impressive. L. Ron Hubbard How did Ron gain his knowledge? How did he experience the culture in the Far East? Did he consider himself to be American or Asian? What did he learn there? What did he like about the American way of thinking and philosophy and what did he like or dislike about the Far East? What can these Far Eastern masters do? What can Ron do? What did he study at university and how studious and good was he? What was he really interested in? What did he want to understand? What did he think of the American education system? What did he say about it, himself? He built on the knowledge that every cell has its own thinking and life, and was able to recognize that cells “pass on” experiences to the next generations and that cells could overshoot the mark with these earlier experiences. If you have gone all the way in Scientology and, above all, have done the training, you realize the scope of this insight and how Dianetics and also Scientology are based on it. Apparently Ron recognized the complexity of the human body early on and was able to prove that the protein cells in the brain could never reach the storage capacity required for the daily mental activities of humans. He also speaks of the prophecy that someone will appear in the West who will continue the work of Siddharta Gautama Buddha and make it possible to free people from the cycle of birth and death in a single lifetime – and describes how he interprets this prophecy. The fundamentals for Dianetics and Scientology were already in place in 1954. Definitely a lecture you should listen to or read. I hope you will enjoy it. Much love. Max Hauri

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